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Archives, 2002

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According to my calculations, I saw 14 new bird species last year, the most since the turn of the millenium!! (See my updated Life Bird List page.) I first saw eight of these species either during field trips with the Augusta Bird Club, or else while with individual members, so I extend hearty thanks to the fine folks of this splendid organization, especially my neighbor YuLee Larner and Allen Larner.

Christmas Bird Count, 2002

On Saturday (Dec. 28) I participated in the Augusta Bird Club's Christmas Bird Count (CBC), which is part of a nationwide census organized by the Audubon Society. It was the first time I had been part of the CBC; the last two years I had intended to do so, but preparations for moving took up all my time. I saw a total of 37 species (see table below), including one life bird, the American wigeon (a duck). A total of 25 people helped in the Augusta County CBC, most of whom had dinner at the home of Harry and Beth Lumadue, who were very gracious hosts. Complete bird tallies for can be found on the Audubon Society's Web site. My neighbor YuLee Larner (a renowned local bird expert) wrote about the CBC in her weekly column in the Staunton News Leader. She noted the alarming decline over the years of some species such as bobwhites and loggerhead shrikes.

Canada goose221
Am. wigeon2
Ruddy duck6
GB heron1
Am. crow68
Rock dove2
Blue jay8
White throat sp.15
Turkey vulture210
Carolina wren12
YR warbler18
WB nuthatch8
Downy WP3
GC kinglet2
Br. creeper1
Red-bellied WP2
Barred owl1
Car. chickadee17
Red-tailed hawk1
House sp.6
Black vulture2
White crown sp.5
Cedar waxwing20
Song sparrow4
Mourning dove8
House finch8

Summary of sightings

SpeciesDatePlaceNotes; possible earlier sightings
Short-eared owlJan 20Bells Lane, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline, very close to car!
Bald eagleFeb 17Mason Neck NWR, Occoquan, VAwith Cathy, Yanira, & Amy
Cedar waxwingsMar. 16behind our apt., Staunton, VAFirst ones all winter!
Purple finch (M)Mar. 16behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst one all winter!
Tree swallowMar. 24behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst spring migrant to arrive this year!
Savannah sparrowMar. 30Near Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! with Augusta Bird Club (ABC)
Greater scaupMar. 30Boy Scout Lake near Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! (ABC)
Loggerhead shrikeMar. 30Near Buffalo Gap, VALIFE BIRD! (ABC)
Field sparrowsMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst of spring (ABC)
Great egretMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst of spring (ABC)
Chipping sparrowsMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst of spring (ABC)
Pied-billed grebeMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst in over a year (ABC)
Common snipeMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst in over a year (ABC)
Wood ducks (M & F)Mar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst in over a year (ABC)
Pine warblerMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst of spring (ABC)
Louisiana waterthrushMar. 30Near Swoope, VAFirst of spring (ABC)
Vesper sparrowApr. 3In back of our apt., Staunton, VALIFE BIRD!
Horned grebeApr. 7Green Hill Ind.-Tech. Park, Staunton, VALIFE BIRD!
OspreysApr. 22Bells Lane, Staunton, VATwo; First in over a year
Pine siskinsApr. 22In back of our apt., Staunton, VAFirst of year; one crashed into window.
Indigo bunting (M)Apr. 22In back of our apt., Staunton, VAFirst of spring
American redstart (M)Apr. 22Peaks of Otter, VAFirst of spring
Gray catbirdsApr. 22Robinson's Farm, Catawba, VAFirst of spring
Red-eyed vireoApr. 27Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Blue-headed vireoApr. 27Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Black-throated blue warbler (M)Apr. 27Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Black and white warbler (M)Apr. 27Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Palm warblerApr. 27Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
White-crowned sparrowApr. 28Constitution Park, Waynesboro, VALast of spring?
American cootApr. 30Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton, VALast of spring?
Spotted sandpiperApr. 30Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Yellow-breasted chatMay 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Scarlet tanagers (F & F)May 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Hooded warblers (M & F)May 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Cerulean warblerMay 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Yellow-throated vireoMay 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Rose-breasted grosbeak (F)May 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Wood thrushMay 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Great crested flycatchersMay 4Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Eastern wood peweeMay 4Near Sherando Lake, VAFirst of spring (counting for ABC)
Baltimore oriole (M)May 7Bells Lane, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
OvenbirdMay 7Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Magnolia warblerMay 7Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Swainson's thrushMay 7Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Blackpoll warblerMay 9E. Beverly St., Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Yellow-billed cuckooMay 9E. Beverly St., Staunton, VAFirst of spring
House wrenMay 9E. Beverly St., Staunton, VAFirst of spring
Northern parulaMay 10Natural Bridge, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Worm-eating warblerMay 10Natural Bridge, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Chestnut-sided warblerMay 10Blue Ridge Pkwy at Tye River Gap, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Orchard oriole (M)May 11Rt. 254, E of Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Purple martinsMay 11Rt. 626, N of Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
KingbirdMay 13Bell's Lane, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Yellow warbler (M)May 16Bell's Lane, Staunton, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Red-shouldered hawkMay 19Along Rt. 250, W of Ivy, VAwith Jacqueline; First in over a year
Least flycatcherMay 20Augusta Springs, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
BobwhiteMay 20W of Swoope, VAwith Jacqueline; First in over a year
Canada warblerMay 26Ramsey's Draft Wilderness, VAwith Jacqueline; First of spring
Mississippi kiteMay 26West Augusta, VAwith Jacqueline; First in over a year
Grasshopper sparrowJune 1S of Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey
BobolinkJune 1S of Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey
Willow flycatcherJune 1S of Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey
Blue grosbeakJune 1S of Swoope, VABreeding Bird Survey; First in over a year; first ever male
Red-headed woodpeckerJune 1NW of Greenville, VABreeding Bird Survey; First in over a year
DickcisselJune 8S of Swoope, VALIFE BIRD! with Augusta Bird Club
Broad-winged hawkJune 8Augusta Springs, VAFirst of spring; with Augusta Bird Club
OspreyAug. 8Theodore Roosevelt Island, DCClose, with fish!
Red-necked grebeAug. 8Theodore Roosevelt Island, DCLIFE BIRD! with Jacqueline; (winter plumage)
Yellow-headed blackbirdsAug. 17Bluffs Golf Course, Vermillion, SDLIFE BIRD!
Upland sandpiperAug. 18near Tyndall, SDLIFE BIRD! with John
Ring-necked pheasantAug. 18near Tyndall, SDFirst in over a year; with John
Western grebeAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDLIFE BIRD! with John
American pelicansAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Least ternsAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDLIFE BIRD! with John
Common ternsAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Warbling vireoAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Great egretAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Black ternsAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Pied-billed grebesAug. 18Lake Andes NWR, SDFirst of year; with John
Magnolia warblerSept. 5In back of Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of fall season
Canada warblerSept. 6In back of Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of fall season; with YuLee Larner
OspreySept. 7Frontier Culture Museum, StauntonFirst of fall season; with Jacqueline
Double-crested cormorantSept. 10Algonkian Park, No. Va.First of fall season
Red-headed woodpeckerSept. 14Afton Inn, Blue RidgeFirst of fall season; with Hawk Watch
Broad-winged hawksSept. 17Afton Inn, Blue RidgeFirst "kettle" (20+) of fall season; with Hawk Watch
Palm warblerSept. 24Bell's Lane, Staunton, VAFirst of fall season
Tennessee warblerOct. 4behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of year!
Yellow-bellied sapsucker (F)Oct. 4Behind Rescue Squad, Staunton, VAFirst of fall/winter season
Ruby-crowned kingletOct. 6Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VAFirst of fall/winter season
Yellow-rumped warblers (10+)Oct. 6Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VAFirst of fall/winter season
Northern parulaOct. 6Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VAFirst of fall season
Cape May warblerOct. 7behind our apt., Staunton, VAFirst of year!
Golden-crowned kingletOct. 12On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VAFirst of fall/winter season (with ABC)
Brown creeperOct. 12On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VAFirst of fall/winter season (with ABC)
Blue-headed vireoOct. 12On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VAFirst of fall season (with ABC)
Pine warblerOct. 12On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VAFirst of fall season (with ABC)
Black-throated green warblerOct. 12On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VAFirst of fall season (with ABC)
Hermit thrushOct. 19behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of fall/winter season
Dark-eyed juncoOct. 21behind our apt., Staunton, VAFirst of fall/winter season
Cedar waxwingsOct. 23behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of fall/winter season
White-crowned sparrowOct. 25behind our apt., Staunton, VAFirst of fall/winter season
Fox sparrowOct. 27behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue SquadFirst of fall/winter season
Double-crested cormorantsNov. 23Jamestownwith Jacqueline
Forster's ternsNov. 23Jamestownwith Jacqueline
Bald eagle (adult)Nov. 23Jamestownfirst adult seen by Jacqueline!
Cedar waxwings (20+)Nov. 23Jamestownwith Jacqueline
Hooded mergansers (4)Nov. 23Jamestownwith Jacqueline
Bald eagles (2 imm.)Nov. 24Yorktownwith Jacqueline
Black scotersNov. 24YorktownLIFE BIRD FOR BOTH; with Jacqueline
Brown thrasherNov. 24Yorktownnot seen here in winter; with Jacqueline
Ruddy turnstonesNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnelwith Jacqueline
Purple sandpiperNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel(prob.) with Jacqueline
Semipalmated sandpiperNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel(prob.) with Jacqueline
American oystercatcherNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel(prob.) with Jacqueline
Brown pelicanNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnelwith Jacqueline
Horned grebesNov. 24Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel(prob.) with Jacqueline
American wigeonDec. 28Bell's Lane, Stauntonwith Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count)
Ruddy duckDec. 28Bell's Lane, Stauntonwith Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count)
Golden-crowned kingletDec. 28Allen Larner's propertywith Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count)
Brown creeperDec. 28Allen Larner's propertywith Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count)
Barred owlDec. 28Allen Larner's propertywith Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count)
White crown sparrowDec. 28Rt. 794, east of Staunton, VA(Christmas Bird Count)
Bluebirds (30)Dec. 28near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA(Christmas Bird Count)
Cedar waxwings (20)Dec. 28near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA(Christmas Bird Count)
Yellow-rumped warblers (5)Dec. 28near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA(Christmas Bird Count)

NOTE: "FOS" means "first of season," which applies only to migratory birds. "FOBS" means "first of breeding season," which applies to migratory birds normally only seen here in winter. "FOY" means "first of year." "ABC" means "Augusta Bird Club, and "BSD" means "Big Spring Day," a semi-official survey.