Species | Date | Place | Notes; possible earlier sightings |
Short-eared owl | Jan 20 | Bells Lane, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline, very close to car! |
Bald eagle | Feb 17 | Mason Neck NWR, Occoquan, VA | with Cathy, Yanira, & Amy |
Cedar waxwings | Mar. 16 | behind our apt., Staunton, VA | First ones all winter! |
Purple finch (M) | Mar. 16 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First one all winter! |
Tree swallow | Mar. 24 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First spring migrant to arrive this year! |
Savannah sparrow | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! with Augusta Bird Club (ABC) |
Greater scaup | Mar. 30 | Boy Scout Lake near Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! (ABC) |
Loggerhead shrike | Mar. 30 | Near Buffalo Gap, VA | LIFE BIRD! (ABC) |
Field sparrows | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First of spring (ABC) |
Great egret | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First of spring (ABC) |
Chipping sparrows | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First of spring (ABC) |
Pied-billed grebe | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First in over a year (ABC) |
Common snipe | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First in over a year (ABC) |
Wood ducks (M & F) | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First in over a year (ABC) |
Pine warbler | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First of spring (ABC) |
Louisiana waterthrush | Mar. 30 | Near Swoope, VA | First of spring (ABC) |
Vesper sparrow | Apr. 3 | In back of our apt., Staunton, VA | LIFE BIRD! |
Horned grebe | Apr. 7 | Green Hill Ind.-Tech. Park, Staunton, VA | LIFE BIRD! |
Ospreys | Apr. 22 | Bells Lane, Staunton, VA | Two; First in over a year |
Pine siskins | Apr. 22 | In back of our apt., Staunton, VA | First of year; one crashed into window. |
Indigo bunting (M) | Apr. 22 | In back of our apt., Staunton, VA | First of spring |
American redstart (M) | Apr. 22 | Peaks of Otter, VA | First of spring |
Gray catbirds | Apr. 22 | Robinson's Farm, Catawba, VA | First of spring |
Red-eyed vireo | Apr. 27 | Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Blue-headed vireo | Apr. 27 | Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Black-throated blue warbler (M) | Apr. 27 | Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Black and white warbler (M) | Apr. 27 | Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Palm warbler | Apr. 27 | Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
White-crowned sparrow | Apr. 28 | Constitution Park, Waynesboro, VA | Last of spring? |
American coot | Apr. 30 | Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton, VA | Last of spring? |
Spotted sandpiper | Apr. 30 | Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Yellow-breasted chat | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Scarlet tanagers (F & F) | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Hooded warblers (M & F) | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Cerulean warbler | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Yellow-throated vireo | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Rose-breasted grosbeak (F) | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Wood thrush | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Great crested flycatchers | May 4 | Blue Ridge, south of Afton, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Eastern wood pewee | May 4 | Near Sherando Lake, VA | First of spring (counting for ABC) |
Baltimore oriole (M) | May 7 | Bells Lane, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Ovenbird | May 7 | Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Magnolia warbler | May 7 | Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Swainson's thrush | May 7 | Betsy Bell Hill, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Blackpoll warbler | May 9 | E. Beverly St., Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Yellow-billed cuckoo | May 9 | E. Beverly St., Staunton, VA | First of spring |
House wren | May 9 | E. Beverly St., Staunton, VA | First of spring |
Northern parula | May 10 | Natural Bridge, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Worm-eating warbler | May 10 | Natural Bridge, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Chestnut-sided warbler | May 10 | Blue Ridge Pkwy at Tye River Gap, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Orchard oriole (M) | May 11 | Rt. 254, E of Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Purple martins | May 11 | Rt. 626, N of Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Kingbird | May 13 | Bell's Lane, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Yellow warbler (M) | May 16 | Bell's Lane, Staunton, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Red-shouldered hawk | May 19 | Along Rt. 250, W of Ivy, VA | with Jacqueline; First in over a year |
Least flycatcher | May 20 | Augusta Springs, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Bobwhite | May 20 | W of Swoope, VA | with Jacqueline; First in over a year |
Canada warbler | May 26 | Ramsey's Draft Wilderness, VA | with Jacqueline; First of spring |
Mississippi kite | May 26 | West Augusta, VA | with Jacqueline; First in over a year |
Grasshopper sparrow | June 1 | S of Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey |
Bobolink | June 1 | S of Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey |
Willow flycatcher | June 1 | S of Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! Breeding Bird Survey |
Blue grosbeak | June 1 | S of Swoope, VA | Breeding Bird Survey; First in over a year; first ever male |
Red-headed woodpecker | June 1 | NW of Greenville, VA | Breeding Bird Survey; First in over a year |
Dickcissel | June 8 | S of Swoope, VA | LIFE BIRD! with Augusta Bird Club |
Broad-winged hawk | June 8 | Augusta Springs, VA | First of spring; with Augusta Bird Club |
Osprey | Aug. 8 | Theodore Roosevelt Island, DC | Close, with fish! |
Red-necked grebe | Aug. 8 | Theodore Roosevelt Island, DC | LIFE BIRD! with Jacqueline; (winter plumage) |
Yellow-headed blackbirds | Aug. 17 | Bluffs Golf Course, Vermillion, SD | LIFE BIRD! |
Upland sandpiper | Aug. 18 | near Tyndall, SD | LIFE BIRD! with John |
Ring-necked pheasant | Aug. 18 | near Tyndall, SD | First in over a year; with John |
Western grebe | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | LIFE BIRD! with John |
American pelicans | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Least terns | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | LIFE BIRD! with John |
Common terns | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Warbling vireo | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Great egret | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Black terns | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Pied-billed grebes | Aug. 18 | Lake Andes NWR, SD | First of year; with John |
Magnolia warbler | Sept. 5 | In back of Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of fall season |
Canada warbler | Sept. 6 | In back of Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of fall season; with YuLee Larner |
Osprey | Sept. 7 | Frontier Culture Museum, Staunton | First of fall season; with Jacqueline |
Double-crested cormorant | Sept. 10 | Algonkian Park, No. Va. | First of fall season |
Red-headed woodpecker | Sept. 14 | Afton Inn, Blue Ridge | First of fall season; with Hawk Watch |
Broad-winged hawks | Sept. 17 | Afton Inn, Blue Ridge | First "kettle" (20+) of fall season; with Hawk Watch |
Palm warbler | Sept. 24 | Bell's Lane, Staunton, VA | First of fall season |
Tennessee warbler | Oct. 4 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of year! |
Yellow-bellied sapsucker (F) | Oct. 4 | Behind Rescue Squad, Staunton, VA | First of fall/winter season |
Ruby-crowned kinglet | Oct. 6 | Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VA | First of fall/winter season |
Yellow-rumped warblers (10+) | Oct. 6 | Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VA | First of fall/winter season |
Northern parula | Oct. 6 | Signal Hill Park, Manassas Park, VA | First of fall season |
Cape May warbler | Oct. 7 | behind our apt., Staunton, VA | First of year! |
Golden-crowned kinglet | Oct. 12 | On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VA | First of fall/winter season (with ABC) |
Brown creeper | Oct. 12 | On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VA | First of fall/winter season (with ABC) |
Blue-headed vireo | Oct. 12 | On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VA | First of fall season (with ABC) |
Pine warbler | Oct. 12 | On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VA | First of fall season (with ABC) |
Black-throated green warbler | Oct. 12 | On Rt. 715 near Elkhorn Lake, VA | First of fall season (with ABC) |
Hermit thrush | Oct. 19 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of fall/winter season |
Dark-eyed junco | Oct. 21 | behind our apt., Staunton, VA | First of fall/winter season |
Cedar waxwings | Oct. 23 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of fall/winter season |
White-crowned sparrow | Oct. 25 | behind our apt., Staunton, VA | First of fall/winter season |
Fox sparrow | Oct. 27 | behind Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad | First of fall/winter season |
Double-crested cormorants | Nov. 23 | Jamestown | with Jacqueline |
Forster's terns | Nov. 23 | Jamestown | with Jacqueline |
Bald eagle (adult) | Nov. 23 | Jamestown | first adult seen by Jacqueline! |
Cedar waxwings (20+) | Nov. 23 | Jamestown | with Jacqueline |
Hooded mergansers (4) | Nov. 23 | Jamestown | with Jacqueline |
Bald eagles (2 imm.) | Nov. 24 | Yorktown | with Jacqueline |
Black scoters | Nov. 24 | Yorktown | LIFE BIRD FOR BOTH; with Jacqueline |
Brown thrasher | Nov. 24 | Yorktown | not seen here in winter; with Jacqueline |
Ruddy turnstones | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | with Jacqueline |
Purple sandpiper | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | (prob.) with Jacqueline |
Semipalmated sandpiper | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | (prob.) with Jacqueline |
American oystercatcher | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | (prob.) with Jacqueline |
Brown pelican | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | with Jacqueline |
Horned grebes | Nov. 24 | Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel | (prob.) with Jacqueline |
American wigeon | Dec. 28 | Bell's Lane, Staunton | with Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count) |
Ruddy duck | Dec. 28 | Bell's Lane, Staunton | with Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count) |
Golden-crowned kinglet | Dec. 28 | Allen Larner's property | with Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count) |
Brown creeper | Dec. 28 | Allen Larner's property | with Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count) |
Barred owl | Dec. 28 | Allen Larner's property | with Allen Larner (Christmas Bird Count) |
White crown sparrow | Dec. 28 | Rt. 794, east of Staunton, VA | (Christmas Bird Count) |
Bluebirds (30) | Dec. 28 | near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA | (Christmas Bird Count) |
Cedar waxwings (20) | Dec. 28 | near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA | (Christmas Bird Count) |
Yellow-rumped warblers (5) | Dec. 28 | near RR tracks, east side of Staunton, VA | (Christmas Bird Count) |
| | | |
NOTE: "FOS" means "first of season," which applies only to migratory birds. "FOBS" means "first of breeding season," which applies to migratory birds normally only seen here in winter. "FOY" means "first of year." "ABC" means "Augusta Bird Club, and "BSD" means "Big Spring Day," a semi-official survey.