Wild birds
in Peru
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Peru, 2004
Montage (Cuzco, Lima, Ventanilla wetlands)
: Hooded Siskin, common in the highlands.
Streaked xenops |
Golden-billed saltator
Mystery hummingbirds
Black phoebe
Rufous-collared sparrow
Yellow bird, possibly a tanager.
Surco & Pantanos de Villa, southeast of Lima
Bananaquit, in Surco
Gulls at Pantanos de Villa |
Neotropical Cormorant
Snowy Egret |
Great Egret
Peru, 2017
White-cheeked Pintail
Black Skimmers
Gray-hooded Gull
The three preceding species
Black-necked Stilts
Common Moorhen
B.-n. Stilt, Gr. Yellowlegs, C. Moorhen
Cinnamon Teal: M
Stilt Sandpipers
American Oystercatcher
Franklin's Gulls
Semipalmated Plovers
Peruvian Booby
Neotropical Cormorants
Wilson's Phalaropes
Croaking Ground Dove
West Peruvian Doves
Cr. Ground Dove, W. Peruvian Dove
Blue-black Grassquit, juv. male
Amazilia Hummingbird
Band-tailed Gull
Peruvian Pelicans
Inca Tern
Neotropical Cormorant
Long-tailed Mockingbird
Blue-gray Tanager
Saffron Finch, M
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
Least Bittern
Least Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Cinnamon Teals
Andean Duck
Black-crowned Night Herons; A & J
Gray-hooded Gull
Great Grebes, adult & baby
Andean Coot
Great Egret
Amazilia Hummingbird
Andean Coot
Greater Yellowlegs
Stilt Sandpiper
Black Skimmer
Great Egret (& B.S. !)
Black-necked Stilt
Wilson's Phalarope
Harris's Hawk
Scrub Blackbird
Blue-and-white Swallow (Rimac / Lima, Feb. 28)
Groove-billed Ani (Lima airport, Mar. 1)
ALSO SEE: Colombia birds
BLOG POSTS: March 20, 2017, March 25, 2017 (Colombia), March 31, 2017 (Florida)
100 Aves de Lima y Alrededores, Alejandro Tabini and Juan Pedro Paz-Solda (Lima: Wust Ediciones, 2007)
Birds of Machu Picchu: 86 most common species, by Gino Cassinelli Del Sante, illustrations by Daniel Huaman.
Lima Field Guide: Birds (fold-out sheet), edited by Guillermo Krell, illustrations by Fernando Zavala, published by Rainforest Expeditions S.A.C.
Lucchetti: El Mas Grave Ecocidio en los Pantanos de Villa, by Arturo Aranda Arrieta and Maria Escalante Gutierrez (Lima: Ediciones Alternativa, 2002)