Andrew Clem home

Mushroom photos
(Year by year)

© Andrew G. Clem. All rights reserved. Permission to use this and all pages on this Web site is conditioned upon full acceptance of Terms of use.


Click on one of the links below to display (OR to hide) the respective menu of photos for that year, and then click on the camera icons (camera) to see the photos, one by one. (NOTE: Many of the species shown on this page have yet to be identified.)

Mushroom montage, 06 Aug 2016


camera Cantharellus Cinnabarinus (McCormick's Mill, July 25)

camera Montage (Chimney Hollow, July 15)

camera Montage (Shenandoah Mtn., Chimney Hollow, Aug. 6)

camera Marasmius Fulvoferrugineus (Shen. Mtn., Aug. 6)

camera Montage (Shenandoah Nat. Park, Aug. 14)

camera Strobilomyces Confusus (Shen. Nat. Park, Aug. 14)

camera Suillus Pictus (Shen. Nat. Park, Aug. 14)

camera Boletus (Shen. Nat. Park, Aug. 14)

camera camera camera Ramaria Fennica (Shen. Nat. Park, Aug. 14)