(and Moths)
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Home page >> Photo Gallery main page >> Nature photo galleries >> Butterflies (and Moths) Last updated:
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Monarch, side of thistle (FCM, 9/28/05)
Monarch, spread wings (FCM, 10/2/05)
Orange Sulfur (Augusta Springs, 10/2/05)
Luna moth (Belmont area in Staunton, 5/25/06)
Giant Swallowtail (Vermillion, SD, 7/16/07)
Hawk moth (Augusta Springs, 7/22/07)
Spicebush Swallowtail (Madison Run, VA, 5/30/09)
Mourning Cloak (Madison Run, VA, 5/30/09)
Rocky Mountain Parnassian (RMNP, 8/12/09)
Great Spangled Fritillary (Reddish Knob, VA, 6/19/10)
Monarch, side (Rock Creek Park, DC, 6/23/10)
Red Admiral (Highland Scenic Hwy, WV, 7/2/10)
Tiger Swallowtail (Vermillion, SD, 7/25/10)
Five-spotted Hawkmoth ( side view) (Vermillion, SD, 7/29/10)
Tiger Swallowtail, (F) dark (Charleston, WV, 8/3/10)
Monarch butterfly, spread wings (Rockfish Valley Trail, 9/11/10)
Buckeye butterfly, spread wings (Rockfish Valley Trail, 9/11/10)
Cabbage White, male (2010)
Silvery Checkerspot (Mont. Hall Park, Staunton, 5/21/11) *
Hackberry / Emperor (east of Staunton, 6/4/11) ( caterpillar ) *
Juvenal's Duskywing (east of Staunton, 6/4/11) *
Little Wood Satyr, side (east of Staunton, 6/4/11) *
Northern Cloudywing (Shen. Nat. Park, 6/8/11)
Red-spotted Purple, side (Shen. Nat. Park, 6/8/11)
Red-spotted Purple (Madison Run, 6/11/11)
Comma (Madison Run, 6/11/11)
Spicebush Swallowtail (Madison Run, 6/11/11)
Tiger Swallowtail (Madison Run, 6/11/11)
Spiny caterpillar (species???; Alleghany County, 6/15/11)
Cabbage White (female), 7/17/11)
Painted Lady (Vermillion, SD, 8/10/11)
Butterfly montage (Natural Bridge, 8/20/11)
Buckeye (Bell's Lane, Staunton, 10/16/11)
Northern Pearly Eye (Augusta Springs, 5/27/12) *
Plain Ringlet (Highland County, VA-WV border, 6/2/12) *
Spring Azure, summer variant. (Hone Quarry, 6/9/12) *
Red-spotted Purple (Hone Quarry, 6/9/12)
Zebulon Skipper (Mont. Hall Park, 6/16/12) *
Hackberry / Emperor, side (MHP, 6/16/12; photo by Mark Gretch)
Silver-spotted Skipper (Shenandoah Mountain, 6/17/12)
Question Mark, side (Elizabeth Furnace, 6/21/12)
Wild Indigo (prob.) Duskywing (Elizabeth Furnace, 6/21/12) *
Eastern Tailed Blue (MHP, 6/23/12) *
Wild Indigo Duskywing (MHP, 6/23/12) *
Harvester (MHP, 6/23/12) *
American Snout (Bell's Lane, 6/23/12) *
Silver-spotted Skipper, side (Trimble Mountain, 6/27/12)
Variegated Fritillary (Elkhorn Lake, 6/27/12)
Buckeye (Elkhorn Lake, 6/27/12)
Meadow Fritillary (Reddish Knob, 6/30/12)
Question Mark (James River near Lynchburg, 4/11/13)
Black Swallowtail (Staunton, 4/27/13)
Olive Hairstreak (Staunton, 4/27/13)
Pearl Crescent (Madison Run, 5/15/13)
Banded Hairstreak (Mont. Hall Park, Staunton, 6/22/13)
Great Spangled Fritillary (MHP, 6/22) ~ (Elliott's Knob, 6/29)
Great Spangled Fritillary, Black Swallowtail (Elliott's Knob, 6/29)
Tiger Swallowtail (Elliott's Knob, 6/29/13)
Spring Azure, summer variant ? (Elliott's Knob, 6/29/13)
Red Admiral, side (Elliott's Knob, 6/29/13)
Great Spangled Fritillary (N. of Swift Run Gap, SNP, 7/6/13)
Eastern Tailed Blue (Pocosin Cabin, SNP, 7/6/13)
Common Wood Nymph, side (S. of Confed. Breastworks, 7/18/13)
Luna Moth (S. of Confed. Breastworks, 7/18/13)
Clouded Sulfur, side (S. of Confederate Breastworks, 7/18/13)
Tiger Swallowtails (Rockytop overlook, SNP, 8/16/13)
Comma (Bear Den Mtn., SNP, 8/17/13)
Zabulon Skipper (Bear Den Mtn., SNP, 8/17/13)
Northern Pearly Eye (Braley's Pond, 8/24/13)
Hackberry / Emperor (Shen. Nat. Park, 9/6/13)
Red-banded Hairstreak (Rockfish Valley trail, 9/9/13)
Red Admiral (Shen. Nat. Park, 9/15/13)
Painted Lady (Boy Scout camp, 10/27/13)
Mourning Cloak (Staunton, 3/10/14)
Comma (Sweet Briar College, 4/1/14)
Falcate Orange-tip (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Wild Indigo Duskywing (Madison Run, 4/19/14) *
Spring Azures (Madison Run, 4/19/14) *
White-M Hairstreak (Mont. Hall Park, 4/27/14) *
Red Admiral (Spirit Mound, SD, 8/17/14)
Northern Pearly Eye (Augusta Springs, 9/25/14)
Painted Lady (Augusta Springs, 10/4/13)
Buckeye (Frontier Cult. Mus., 10/17/14)
Little Wood Satyr (Bell's Lane, 5/20/15) *
Cloudless Sulfurs (N of Fremont, NE, 7/25/15)
Giant Swallowtail (SE of Burbank, SD, 7/29/15)
Monarch (Vermillion SD, 7/30/15)
Comma (Burr Oak Woods, KS, 8/11/15)
Tawny Emperor (Burr Oak Woods, KS, 8/11/15)
Hackberry Emperors (Burr Oak Woods, KS, 8/11/15)
Common Wood Nymph (Burr Oak Woods, KS, 8/11/15)
Northern Pearly Eye (uncertain place & date)
Red-spotted Purple (Madison Run, 5/30/16)
Zebra Swallowtail (Dutch Gap / Henricus Park, VA, 6/8/16)
Question Mark (Mills Creek @ Rt. 648, Aug. Co., 6/27/16)
Imperial Moth (Staunton, 7/13/16)
European Skipper (Nazarene wetlands, 7/29/16)
Pearl Crescent (Ramsey's Draft, 8/6/16)
Tiger Swallowtail (Ramsey's Draft, 8/6/16)
Pipevine Swallowtail (Ramsey's Draft, 8/6/16)
Spicebush Swallowtails (Blackrock Gap, SNP, 8/14/16)
Variegated Fritillary (Swannanoah Palace, 8/14/16)
Variegated Fritillary (Leonard's Pond, 9/20/16)
Question Mark (Staunton, 9/21/16)
Monarch (Bell's Lane, 9/22/16)
Cabbage White (Bell's Lane, 9/22/16)
Pearl Crescent (Bell's Lane, 9/22/16)
Monarch, thistle flower (Bell's Lane, 11/01/16)
Buckeye (Swoope, 11/04/16)
Question Mark (Mont. Hall Park, 10/05/16)
Tropical butterfly montage (Peru, Colombia, & Florida, 2017)
(Painted?) Lady (Ventanilla, Peru, 2/24/17)
Long tail (Humedales de Ventanilla, Peru, 2/25/17)
Skipper (Humedales de Ventanilla, Peru, 2/25/17)
Whitish (Humedales de Ventanilla, Peru, 2/25/17)
Unidentified (Parque Arvi, Medellin, Colombia, 3/2/17)
Unidentified (Parque Arvi, Medellin, Colombia, 3/2/17)
Unidentified (Parque Arvi, Medellin, Colombia, 3/2/17)
Red Peacock (Cerro Nutibara, Medellin, Colombia, 3/4/17)
Queen (Loxahatchee NWR, Florida, 3/7/17)
Gulf Fritillary (Loxahatchee NWR, Florida, 3/7/17)
Dreamy Duskywing (Mont. Hall Park, Staunton, 4/14/17)
Northern Golden Skipper (Mont. Hall Park, Staunton, 4/29/17)
Black Swallowtail (Bell's Lane, 5/11/17)
Variegated Fritillary (Coles Run Reservoir, 5/16/17)
Red-spotted Purple (Madison Run Trail, 5/17/17)
Question Mark (Bell's Lane, 4/15/17)
Northern Golden Skipper (Falls Hollow / Elliott's Knob, 5/14/17)
Pipevine, Spicebush Swallowtails (Dry Branch Gap, 5/18/17)
Silvery Checkerspot (Dry Branch Gap, 5/18/17)
Spring Azure (Bell's Lane, 5/26/17)
Little Wood Satyr (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/27/17)
Silver-spotted Skipper (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/27/17)
Spring Azure (Augusta Springs, 6/9/17)
Spicebush Swallowtail (Augusta Springs, 6/9/17)
Great Spangled Fritillaries (Sawmill Run / Shen. Nat. Park, 6/11/17)
Question Mark (Bell's Lane, 7/21/17)
European Skipper (Necedah NWR, WI, 8/4/17)
Variegated Fritillary (Sweetwater, TN during eclipse, 8/21/17)
Unidentified Skipper (Mont. Hall Park, Staunton, 9/10/17)
Painted Lady (Afton Mtn., 9/15/17)
Monarch (Afton Mtn., 9/15/17)
Great Spangled Fritillary (Afton Mtn., 9/15/17)
Red Admiral (Chimney Hollow, 6/23/18)
Silver-spotted Skipper (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Buckeye (Staunton, 8/18/18) ~ side view (Staunton, 8/28/18)
Monarch caterpillar (Staunton, 8/20/18)
Red caterpillar (Dowell's Draft, 9/8/18)
Monarch (Bell's Lane, 10/2/18)
Question Mark (Cole's Run, 4/6/19)
Falcate Orange-tip, camouflaged (Braley Pond, 4/20/19)
Zebra Swallowtail (Dutch Gap / Henricus Park, VA, 5/4/19)
Atlantis Fritillaries (Laurel Fork, Highland Co., VA, 6/15/19)
Red-banded Hairstreak (Staunton, 8/10/19)
Butterflies, bee (Madison Run, 3/29/20)
Zebra Swallowtail (Hightop Mtn., SNP, 6/8/20)
Mourning Cloak (Hightop Mtn., SNP, 6/8/20)
Tiger Swallowtails (Hearthstone Lake, 6/10/20)
Pipevine Swallowtail (North Mountain, 7/19/20)
Hummingbird Moth (Rt. 610 near BRP, 7/29/19)
Northern Pearly Eye (Bell's Lane, 7/27/21)
Black Swallowtail (Bell's Lane, 9/27/21)
Common Checkerspot Skipper (Cowbane Pasture, 10/2/21)
* Species identification by Mark Gretch.
All locations are in Virginia unless otherwise stated. Abbreviations:
MHP = Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA
FCM = Frontier Culture Museum, Staunton, VA
SNP = Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
RMNP = Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
SARS = Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad, Staunton, VA
Checklist of Butterflies of Augusta County, Virginia: butterfliesandmoths.org