June 11, 2005 [LINK]
Jacqueline and I paid a short visit to McCormick's Farm this morning. I last went there on May 2, and today I was hoping to see some of the orioles that are supposed to be nesting there. We saw a Green heron (probable) and a Great blue heron flying overhead, a female Mallard with eleven ducklings in tow, plus a Great crested flycatcher. Finally, we did spot two Baltimore orioles, a first-year male most likely serving as an "apprentice," and a bright orange mature male who was singing intermittently. We could not pinpoint where the nest was, but we did see a pair of Cedar waxwings building a nest in the tree just west of the mill building.
Later in the day we saw two Phoebes and a male Pileated woodpecker in Lexington.