May 2, 2005 [LINK]
Orioles, etc. at McCormick's Farm
I happened to be passing by McCormick's Farm this morning, so I stopped to see if I could get some pictures of one of the Baltimore orioles we saw there last week. It was my lucky day, as I saw at least three orioles and got some photos (though not very close), and saw four other species for the first time this spring ("FOS") as well. There were a number of territorial squabbles between males. It was very chilly, however. Perhaps the warblers have been slow in returning north for a good reason. Here are the highlights:
- Osprey
- Baltimore orioles
- Yellow warblers (FOS)
- Solitary sandpipers
- Spotted sandpiper
- Gray catbirds (FOS)
- Yellow-rumped warblers (M)
- Northern waterthrush (FOS)
- Brown thrasher
- Bluebird
- Swamp sparrow
- Flicker
- Palm warbler (FOS)