Clockwise from top left: Delta, Titan II, and Atlas rockets at Cape Canaveral; nuclear power plant in Ohio; early-1980s Toshiba pocket radio/cassette player; Apple iMac, Macintosh Plus, and PowerBook computers; and the full Moon.
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COLOR (this text not shown)
RED : f00
ORANGE : f90
YELLOW : ff0
VIOLET : 90f
BLUE : 03f
GREEN : 0c0
BLACK : 000
WHITE : fff
Roll the mouse over the underlined table cells to see the names of primary colors, secondary colors, and shades of gray.
f00 | f03 | f06 | f09 | f0c | f0f | f30 | f33 | f36 | f39 | f3c | f3f | f60 | f63 | f66 | f69 | f6c | f6f | f90 | f93 | f96 | f99 | f9c | f9f | fc0 | fc3 | fc6 | fc9 | fcc | fcf | ff0 | ff3 | ff6 | ff9 | ffc | fff |
c00 | .c03 | c06 | c09 | c0c | c0f | c30 | c33 | c36 | c39 | c3c | c3f | c60 | c63 | c66 | c69 | c6c | c6f | c90 | c93 | c96 | c99 | c9c | c9f | cc0 | cc3 | cc6 | cc9 | ccc | ccf | cf0 | cf3 | cf6 | cf9 | cfc | cff |
900 | 903 | 906 | 909 | 90c | 90f | 930 | 933 | 936 | 939 | 93c | 93f | 960 | 963 | 966 | 969 | 96c | 96f | 990 | 993 | 996 | 999 | 99c | 99f | 9c0 | 9c3 | 9c6 | 9c9 | 9cc | 9cf | 9f0 | 9f3 | 9f6 | 9f9 | 9fc | 9ff |
600 | 603 | 606 | 609 | 60c | 60f | 630 | 633 | 636 | 639 | 63c | 63f | 660 | 663 | 666 | 666 | 66c | 66f | 690 | 693 | 696 | 699 | 69c | 69f | 6c0 | 6c3 | 6c6 | 6c9 | 6cc | 6cf | 6f0 | 6f3 | 6f6 | 6f9 | 6fc | 6ff |
300 | 303 | 306 | 309 | 30c | 30f | 330 | 333 | 336 | 339 | 33c | 33f | 360 | 363 | 366 | 369 | 36c | 36f | 390 | 393 | 396 | 399 | 39c | 39f | 3c0 | 3c3 | 3c6 | 3c9 | 3cc | 3cf | 3f0 | 3f3 | 3f6 | 3f9 | 3fc | 3ff |
000 | 003 | 006 | 009 | 00c | 00f | 030 | 033 | 036 | 039 | 03c | 03f | 060 | 063 | 066 | 069 | 06c | 06f | 090 | 093 | 096 | 099 | 09c | 09f | 0c0 | 0c3 | 0c6 | 0c9 | 0cc | 0cf | 0f0 | 0f3 | 0f6 | 0f9 | 0fc | 0ff |
Back to Top ~ HTML color chart ~ Periodic table ~ Solar system
Light metals: | Transitional metals and other metals: | Non-metals: | Halo-gens: | Noble gases: | |||||||||||||
I-A | II-A | III-B | IV-B | V-B | VI-B | VII-B | VIII | VIII | VIII | I-B | II-B | III-A | IV-A | V-A | VI-A | VII-A | 0 |
H 1 1.01 |
Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidinum Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Cesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicum |
H 1 1.01 |
He 2 4.00 |
Li 3 6.94 |
Be 4 9.01 |
B 5 10.8 |
C 6 12.0 |
N 7 14.0 |
O 8 16.0 |
F 9 19.0 |
Ne 10 20.2 |
Na 11 23.0 |
Mg 12 24.3 |
Al 13 27.0 |
Si 14 28.1 |
P 15 31.0 |
S 16 32.1 |
Cl 17 35.5 |
Ar 18 39.9 |
K 19 39.1 |
Ca 20 40.0 |
Sc 21 45.0 |
Ti 22 47.9 |
V 23 50.9 |
Cr 24 52.0 |
Mn 25 54.9 |
Fe 26 55.8 |
Co 27 58.9 |
Ni 28 58.7 |
Cu 29 63.5 |
Zn 30 65.4 |
Ga 31 69.7 |
Ge 32 72.6 |
As 33 74.9 |
Se 34 79.0 |
Br 35 79.9 |
Kr 36 83.8 |
Rb 37 85.5 |
Sr 38 87.6 |
Y 39 88.9 |
Zr 40 91.2 |
Nb 41 92.9 |
Mo 42 95.9 |
Tc 43 (99) |
Ru 44 101.1 |
Rh 45 102.9 |
Pd 46 106.4 |
Ag 47 107.9 |
Cd 48 112.4 |
In 49 114.8 |
Sn 50 118.7 |
Sb 51 121.8 |
Te 52 127.6 |
I 53 126.9 |
Xe 54 131.3 |
Cs 55 132.9 |
Ba 56 137.3 |
Hf 72 178.5 |
Ta 73 180.9 |
W 74 183.9 |
Re 75 186.2 |
Os 76 190.2 |
Ir 77 192.2 |
Pt 78 195.1 |
Au 79 197.0 |
Hg 80 200.1 |
Tl 81 204.4 |
Pb 82 207.1 |
Bi 83 209.0 |
Po 84 (210) |
At 85 (210) |
Rn 86 (222) |
Fr 87 (223) |
Ra 88 (226) |
Rf 104 (261) |
Db 105 (262) |
Sg 106 (263) |
Bh 107 (262) |
Hs 108 (265) |
Mt 109 (266) |
Ds 110 (281) |
Rg 111 (281) |
Cn 112 (285) |
Rare earths: | La 57 138.9 |
Ce 58 140.1 |
Pr 59 140.9 |
Nd 60 144.2 |
Pm 61 (147) |
Sm 62 150.4 |
Eu 63 152.0 |
Gd 64 157.3 |
Tb 65 158.9 |
Dy 66 162.5 |
Ho 67 164.9 |
Er 68 167.3 |
Tm 69 168.9 |
Yb 70 173.0 |
Lu 71 175.0 |
Ac 89 (227) |
Th 90 232.0 |
Pa 91 (231) |
U 92 238.0 |
Np 93 (237) |
Pu 94 (242) |
Am 95 (243) |
Cm 96 (247) |
Bk 97 (247) |
Cf 98 (249) |
Es 99 (254) |
Fm 100 (253) |
Md 101 (256) |
No 102 (254) |
Lw 103 (257) |
NOTE: Atomic number at lower left; Atomic weight at lower right. Gases (at room temperature) are denoted by red letters; liquids (at room temperature) are denoted by blue letters.
SOURCE: U.S. Air Force, "Handy Scientific Data" (1971); The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia (1983); Periodic Table by Chemicool
Back to Top ~ HTML color chart ~ Periodic table ~ Solar system
Roll mouse over the planet names to see detailed data.
Approximate mean distance from Sun of the planets | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 m |
40 m |
80 m |
120 m | 160 m | 300 m | 400 m | 500 m | 600 m | 700 m | 800 m | 900 m | 1000 m | 1100 m | 1200 m | 1300 m | 1400 m | 1500 m | 1600 m | 1700 m | 1800 m | 1900 m | 2000 m | 2100 m | 2200 m | 2300 m | 2400 m | 2500 m | 2600 m | 2700 m | 2800 m | |
Sun | Me | Ve | Ea | Ma | Ju | Sa | Ur | Ne |
Distances for the four inner planets portrayed above are not in scale. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) |
Approximate relative size of the planets | ||||||||
Me | Ve | Ea | Ma | (asteroids) | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | (Pluto was demoted from planetary status in 2006.) |
SOURCE: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 2012