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Click on section headings hand point down to open and close the photo menus, click on camera icons (camera) to see each photo, and then click on the photos to toggle size. Panoramas are below.

Peru montage 2017 hand point left hand point right

hand point down January: Highland County

hand point down February: 20 ~ 21 ~ 23 ~ 25 ~ 27 ~ 28 : Peru

That factory was the center of a big controversy in 2003-2004, when I was visiting Peru. It was closed down after a bribery scandal involving the Chilean-owned Luchetti Company. The original permission to build on ecologically-sensitive land should have been denied. On the left is a group of visitors and a sign identifying birds.

The gated, middle-class "Honor y Lealtad" (Honor and Loyalty) neighborhood was established in the late 1990s primarily for retired police officers.
In the Feb. 23 park photo, note the wall at the top of the ridge in back (left side), and compare it to the photo of the nearby shacks taken on Feb. 26.

This part of the Rio Rimac is about five miles downstream from the city center, behind the Palacio del Gobierno, where the river was (at that time) a "raging torrent." It dwindles to a relative trickle by the time the water reaches the sea, almost four miles from here.

The long-delayed Lima Metro system, begun during the first administration of Pres. Alan Garcia (1985-1990), finally opened in 2011, near the end of Garcia's second term. Line One extends for 14 miles from Villa El Salvador in south Lima to San Juan de Lurigancho on the north side. It is the longest elevated transportation structure in the world, and is designed to withstand an 8.0-magnitude earthquake. The Avenida Aviacion station is located at a traffic circle on the west edge of the district of Surco. Note Gold's Gym on the left.

The "Casa del Pueblo" (House of the People) is the historic headquarters of APRA, the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance, west of downtown Lima. Note the red star party logo at the top. A banner on the right side shows former Pres. Alan Garcia, obscured by a light post.
A photo of a statue of the party founder Victor Raul Haya de la Torre can be seen in the Feb. 23 batch above.

camera Callao: Oil refinery camera Airport camera containers (Feb. 28)

camera camera Sukhoi-22 (Soviet-made) jet, Callao

camera Univ. Federico Villareal camera Univ. San Marcos

camera Plaza San Martin camera Soc. of Engineers of Peru

camera camera camera camera camera Palacio del Gobierno (President)

camera Convento San Francisco camera Palacio Legis. main hall

camera camera camera Palacio Legislativo (Congress) exterior

camera Congreso / Ch. of Deputies camera (former) Senate

camera Women legis.   camera Haya de la Torre bust   camera Belaunde bust

camera Min. of Econ. & Fin. camera Lima Municipal Govt.

camera Biblioteca M. Vargas Llosa camera Estacion Desamparados

camera camera Mercado Central camera Chinese gate

camera Cathedral camera camera Rio Rimac camera Cerro San Cristobal

camera camera Rimac Antiguo camera Iglesia San Lazaro camera Billboard

camera Ventanilla: Jacobs' house camera 9th St. camera school

camera La Punta (Callao), San Lorenzo Island from air (Mar. 1)

I took a tour of the Legislative Palace, including the floor of the Peruvian Congress, which has been unicameral since the current constitution was adopted in 1994. The chambers formerly used for the now-extinct Senate now serve primarily for meetings and ceremonies. The four women shown here were the first female legislators in Peru, after women received the right to vote in 1956.

The Mario Vargas Llosa Biblioteca (Library) is located on the bottom floor of the historic Estacion Desamparados, the former passenger rail terminal in Lima. Vargas Llosa is a prolific and world-renowned author who ran unsuccessfully for president (as a convert to conservatism) in 1990. I have some of the books in this display.

Keiko Fujimori (pictured on the right), the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori (who served 1990-2001), has run for president on behalf of the party created by her father, but has run afoul of the law, being prosecuted for corruption, etc.

hand point down Mar. 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 : Colombia || 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 : Florida || 25

hand point down April: Charlottesville, etc.

hand point down May: Blue Ridge mountains, etc.

hand point down June: Highland County, Shen. Nat. Park, etc.

hand point down July 3-27: Train trip || 28-31: Kansas City, MO

hand point down Aug. 1-3 SD || 4 :MN,WI || 5-6:IL,IN || 18-21:VA,TN

hand point down September 2-3: Staunton, etc. Sept. 30: Wash. DC

hand point down October: Staunton

hand point down November: Lexington

hand point down December: Bath Co., Staunton


camera Peru: Ventanilla lagoon (& birds). (Feb. 20)

camera Ventanilla, from top of ridge. (Feb. 21)

camera Chorrillos coastal cliffside garden. (Feb. 23)

camera Pantanos de Villa sea lagoon (& birds). (Feb. 27)

camera Lima: Palacio del Gobierno (Feb. 28)

camera Lima: Plaza de Armas (Feb. 28)

camera Peru: Lima / Callao from air camera closeup (Mar. 1)

camera Colombia: Antioquia countryside from air (Mar. 1)

camera camera Medellin from Cerro Nutibara (Mar. 4)

camera Bancolombia, Medellin River, Industriales Metro (Mar. 4)

camera Everglades Nat. Park: Flamingo (Mar. 6)

camera (camera) Miami River, city skyline (Mar. 6)

camera Loft Mountain Overlook, Shen. Nat. Park (June 11)

camera Chicago Union Station (July 26)

camera Cincinnati: Ohio River, Great Amer. Ballpark (Aug. 5)

camera American Hotel, Staunton AMTRAK station (July 26)

camera camera Neyland Stadium, U. of Tenn., Knoxville (Aug. 21)

camera Beverley Street Staunton Jams (Sept.)
