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February 19, 2017 [LINK / comment]

Just a (music) blog before I go...

As I prepare to head for the Southern Hemisphere (see the February 15 section below), I thought it would be appropriate to invoke a nice Crosby, Stills, and Nash song that I have not yet learned: "Just a Song Before I Go." Here's a quick summary of the songs I have played at Open Mic Night (held at Queen City Brewing and formerly hosted by the now-disbanded Staunton Music Guild) since the beginning of this year:

January 4:

January 11:

January 18:

On the eve of the presidential inauguration, my set list was inspired in part by the troubling times our nation is currently in. The audience was small but we still had a rockin' good time.

February 1:

Once again, my selection of songs was motivated by contemporary world events.

Andrew at Queen City

Yours truly, playing "Come Together" at Queen City Brewing. (Screen grab from the video taken by Jacqueline.)

February 8:

February 15:

The themes were Valentine's Day and my impending visit to South America, which is the subject of the wacky song "Southern Cross." For some reason, I kind of messed up on "Eight Miles High," but otherwise the songs went pretty well. You never know.

The Music page has been updated accordingly. Whew!

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 19 Feb 2017, 10: 20 AM

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