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October 21, 2016 [LINK / comment]

Field trip to Waynesboro "Greenway"

This morning I joined Allen Larner on a field trip along the Greenway Trail which parallels the South River in Waynesboro. In contrast to most Augusta Bird Club field trips, this was a public event, in coordination with the Waynesboro Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Three non-club members attended, and we tutored them on identifying species by sound, and so on. The weather was fine early on, sunny (except for fog along the Blue Ridge) with cool breezes. There were plenty of birds both at the beginning and the end of the trail, but not much in between. A total of 32 species of birds were identified by sight or sound, including the ones in the photo montage below. (NOTE: I saw the Double-crested Cormorant at a nearby pond after the field trip had ended.)

Later in the morning, three other club members and I went with Stephanie Seltzer (who works in Parks and Recreation) to inspect the proposed Sunset Park, which will occupy the hill on the east side of town where the landfill was formerly located. Aside from providing a spectacular view of the city, the area features a combination of woodlands and open areas that seem to be ideal habitat for various kinds of birds. Along the way, we came across a Box Turtle, a species I had not seen in over a year. Highlights over there included a probable Yellow-billed Cuckoo, a Palm Warbler, and a male Black-throated Blue Warbler. Late in the morning, the skies grew very dark, and it soon started to rain. I strained to cover my camera and binoculars as we hurried back to the truck in the rain. Nevertheless, it was a successful day of birding.

Montage 21 Oct. 2016

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Cedar Waxwing (juv.), Yellow-rumped Warbler, Eastern Phoebe, Double-crested Cormorant, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Palm Warbler, and Northern Mockingbird.

Box Turtle

Box Turtle, on the woodland trail east of the proposed Sunset Park.

Waynesboro from east Oct. 2016

View of Waynesboro from the proposed Sunset Park on the east side of town.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 22 Oct 2016, 12: 03 AM

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