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November 24, 2010 [LINK / comment]
Votto, Hamilton win MVP awards
In both the American and National Leagues, the choice of Most Valuable Player this year was by an overwhelming margin. In the NL, Cincinnati's Joey Votto received 31 first-place votes, compared to just one for Albert Pujols, while in the AL, Texas outfielder Josh Hamilton received 22 first-place votes, compared to 5 for Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera. Votto hit 37 home runs this year, had a .324 batting average and 113 RBIs. He was probably the biggest single reason why the Reds made it to the postseason for the first time since 1995. Hamilton missed a few weeks late in the season due to injury, but likewise played a big part in the Rangers' first-ever World Series appearance. He led the AL in batting average (.359), while racking up very respectable totals in home runs (32) and RBIs (100). Hamilton almost ruined his career by indulging in drugs and alcohol several years ago, but managed an amazing comeback, drawing national attention during the Home Run Derby in July 2008. Of his big achievements he said, "With God, all things are possible." See MLB.com.
In the Washington Post, Adam Kilgore lamented that Ryan Zimmerman finished 16th in MVP voting, even though he ranks in the top ten in most of the statistical measures of batting performance. "It seems Zimmerman was punished by several voters for playing for the Nationals, the sixth-worst team, by record, in the majors."
Arbitration for Dunn?
The Washington Nationals have offered their star slugger Adam Dunn -- now a free agent -- arbitration, keeping hopes alive that somehow a deal may yet be worked out. It's mostly to make sure that if some other team reaches a deal with Dunn, that the Nats will get two draft picks as compensation. See MLB.com.
Sign Adam Dunn!
AT&T Park update
In honor of the World Champion San Francisco Giants (!), I have made some minor corrections and refinements to the diagrams of their home field, AT&T Park. The stadium itself is virtually unchanged, though I did slightly increase the slope of the upper deck in the profile. I even included the iconic Coca-Cola bottle and antique baseball glove that are situated behind the stands in left field. There will soon be a "full" (non-truncated) diagram version on that page, as well as a panoramic photo taken by Paul Dimitre. For the time being, I am leaving the text on that page unchanged, pending an overhaul of the layout of all stadium pages.
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 24 Nov 2010, 8: 03 PM
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January 18, 2010 Earthquake leaves Haiti in ruins
January 18, 2010 Our new governor: Bob McDonnell!
January 29, 2010 Obama: "We can do it together"
February 27, 2010 Huge earthquake strikes Chile
March 20, 2010 Procedural ploy to pass Obamacare
March 21, 2010 House passes Senate's Obamacare*
March 29, 2010 Rebuilding a Republican majority
March 31, 2010 Augusta County GOP reunites (for now)
May 11, 2010 R.I.P. Yankee Stadium (1923-2010)
May 17, 2010 Did Tories win British election?
May 18, 2010 The final mission for Atlantis?
June 9, 2010 Strasburg makes a historic debut
June 24, 2010 Nationals sweep the Royals (almost)
August 5, 2010 Ballpark blitz: 4 stadiums in 2 days!
August 14, 2010 Friday the 13th: Nats get lucky
August 19, 2010 "Ground Zero mosque" hysteria
September 15, 2010 Tea Party triumphs in Delaware
September 17, 2010 The U.S. Constitution and Freedom
September 27, 2010 Nationals spoil Braves' hopes, again
October 6, 2010 Photo gallery extreme makeover
October 27, 2010 Tempests in the Tea Party
November 3, 2010 Decision 2010: two cheers for the GOP
November 5, 2010 San Francisco Giants: world champions!
November 27, 2010 Goodbye to Luciano, and to Olive
December 6, 2010 Nationals sign Jayson Werth
December 29, 2010 Extreme weather disrupts sporting events
Blog highlights have been compiled for the years 2010-2012 thus far, and eventually will be compiled for earlier years, back to 2002.
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