June 15, 2008 [LINK / comment]
Mockingbird albino sighted!
After the refreshing rain shower we had this afternoon, the air was too pleasant and mild for us to stay inside, so Jacqueline and I took a leisurely stroll along Bell's Lane this evening, and guess what we saw? The albino Mockingbird that new local birder Darrell Schwalm observed when I met him at that location last month. From watching the bird's behavior, there is no question about the species identification. Fortunately, I had a camera ready:

Other Mockingbirds were making quite a racket, as were their relatives, the Catbirds and the Brown Thrashers. I was surprised by the absence of Willow Flycatchers and Orioles. Highlights:
- Catbirds, Catbirds, and more Catbirds
- Kingbird
- Bluebird
- Yellow Warblers -- 3 M
- Brown Thrashers
- N. Rough-winged Swallows