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January 3, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Venezuela-Argentina intrigues

Did Hugo Chavez buy the recent election in Argentina, hoping to spread his influence in Latin America? It's a strong possibility, as a businessman named Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson was recently indicted in a federal court in Miami after being detained in Buenos Aires with a suitcase containing $800,000 in cash. The indictment alleges that Wilson received the money from three Venezuelan men in Fort Lauderdale on August 23, with the instructions that it be transfered to the presidential campaign of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who won handily in October. She denies everything, of course: Argentine officials are shocked -- shocked! -- at the allegations of bribery. Given what is known about her husband (and predecessor) Fernando Kirchner, however, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the powerful duo are caught up in a nefarious transnational conspiracy with Chavez. As the Washington Post noted, however, that there is a risk to U.S. prestige in the region if the charges cannot be proven. I must say, it's a strange situation when U.S. criminal courts deal with foreign affairs.

Meanwhile, Joe Kennedy Jr. is serving as pitchman for Hugo Chavez and CITGO for a second year. Are you shivering this winter? "Call Joe for oil!"

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 03 Jan 2008, 11: 45 AM

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