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November 22, 2007 [LINK / comment]

November bird update

I've been under the weather for the past few days, and therefore have not spent much time outside. Earlier in the month, I was just too busy to do much birding, though I did join an Augusta Bird Club field trip at McCormick's Mill led by Jo King last week. I'm probably missing lots of interesting migratory ducks and whatnot. Recent first-of-season sightings include:

* I'm pretty sure I saw a Harrier flying over a reservoir near Big Levels in the Blue Ridge in late September.

Sharp-shinned hawks have been menacing our back yard fairly regularly for the past few weeks. In the last three days, I've seen both an adult and a juvenile. We also had a White-crowned sparrow, a winter species that only rarely comes inside the city limits. None of the pictures I've taken turned out very well.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 22 Nov 2007, 8: 48 PM

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