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September 12, 2007 [LINK / comment]

Multinational colors at SBC

The sun was brighter and the air was a lot clearer on Monday than when I first took photos at Sweet Briar College a couple weeks ago. So, I took advantage of the favorable atmospheric conditions by snapping a few photos, including a much better one of Gray Hall than I had previously taken. The dazzling photo below, showing the flags of many foreign countries, was taken in the skylit walkway in Prothro Hall between the cafeteria and the main dining rooms. It is aptly symbolic of Sweet Briar's superb international studies program, with regular overseas study programs in France, Spain, and other countries.

Sweet Briar Prothro flags

The flags in the top row are, left to right: South Korea, Russia, Belize, and Thailand.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 12 Sep 2007, 1: 37 AM

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The "home made" blog organization system that I created was instituted on November 1, 2004, followed by several functional enhancements in subsequent years. I make no more than one blog post per day on any one category, so some posts may cover multiple news items or issues. Blog posts appear in the following (reverse alphabetical) order, which may differ from the chronological order in which the posts were originally made:

  1. Wild birds (LAST)
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