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August 28, 2006 [LINK]
Partial recount in Mexico
The recount of the tabulations at 375 localities that were challenged is not completed yet, but it appears that the final vote tally will not change much. The Federal Electoral Tribunal said that Felipe Calderon's margin had dropped by 4,000 votes, which pales in comparison to his overall lead of 240,000 votes. The final decision must be rendered by September 6. Apparent loser Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is planning a massive demonstration on the country's day of independence, September 16. See CNN.com. Though full-blown chaos is still possible, it is at least a reassuring sign that Mexico's electoral authorities are resisting political pressure to conduct recounts across the board, focusing only on cases where there are clear signs of irregularities.
Meanwhile, the long standoff continues in Oaxaca, although it is becoming less of a labor action and more of a political mobilization. Pressure on Gov. Ruiz to resign is increasing, even as sympathy for the teachers wanes as the new school year begins. CNN.com reports that the teachers' strike is having a devastating effect on the tourist industry in Oaxaca, inflicting "terror" upon people who live or visit there.
Desperately seeking opportunity
Today's Washington Post had an in-depth background story on the desperate plight of young teenagers from Guatemala who have been rounded up by Mexican border guards and sent back home. This tragedy will go on and on as long as political leaders in Latin American countries are let off the hook for failing to reform their own laws and practices so as to create the same kind of opportunity in their countries that exists here. Impossible? All it would take is a critical mass of clear-headed thinking and courage on the part of citizens in Latin America as well as the United States. Ironically, when Americans tolerate illegal immigration -- whether out of greed for cheap labor or noble, charitable sentiments -- it only provides a "cushion" in in Latin American countries. The steady flow of dollars from the North allows those countries to maintain their self-defeating policies, thereby perpetuating the status quo of misery, alienation, and (occasionally) fabulous if shallow wealth.
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 28 Aug 2006, 7: 41 PM
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January 7, 2006 ~ DeLay gives up majority leader post
January 12, 2006 ~ Alito withstands Dems' "torture"
January 16, 2006 ~ Michelle Bachelet wins in Chile
January 19, 2006 ~ Views on Iran's nuclear ambitions
January 24, 2006 ~ Fallout from Canada's election
January 31, 2006 ~ Second (& third) thoughts on Iran
February 1, 2006 ~ The State of the Union, 2006
February 8, 2006 ~ D.C. Council votes "yes," but...
February 18, 2006 ~ Checks and balances in wartime
February 22, 2006 ~
Neocons & Neolibs: chastened alike
February 28, 2006 ~
The Dubai Ports World uproar
March 14, 2006 ~ New D.C. baseball stadium unveiled
March 24, 2006 ~ In the footsteps of France?
April 7, 2006 ~ Immigration compromise fails
May 16, 2006 ~ Bush militarizes Mexican border
June 6, 2006 ~ Alan Garcia triumphs, once again
June 9, 2006 ~
Zarqawi: The death of a terrorist
July 3, 2006 ~
Election in Mexico: too close to call
July 5, 2006 ~ North Korea goes ballistic
July 28, 2006 ~ Garcia prepares to lead Peru, again
August 4, 2006 ~ Israel invades Hezbolland
September 6, 2006 ~ "Crunchy conservatives": for real?
September 25, 2006 ~ Nationalists thwart conservation
October 3, 2006 ~ Nationals: Year in review
October 29, 2006 ~ Virginia's marriage amendment
November 7, 2006 ~ The people render their verdict
November 8, 2006 ~ Republicans lose big time
November 9, 2006 ~ Allen concedes / Election post-mortem
November 13, 2006 ~ Toward consensus on Iraq?
December 1, 2006 ~ Realism and our goals in Iraq
December 6, 2006 ~ Latin America & U.S. trade policy
December 8, 2006 ~ Iraq Study Group reports
December 22, 2006 ~ Yuletide political roundup
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