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February 4, 2003 [LINK]

D.C. = $$$

A virtual feeding frenzy has begun as more and more entrepreneurs recognize the huge potential profits to be had from baseball in Our Nation's Capital. According to the Washington Post, yet another prospective owner of a Washington baseball franchise has just emerged, led by Long Island real estate developer Mark Broxmeyer, who has ties to the Republican party. That makes four prospective ownership groups altogether, including those led by (in chronological order) Fred Malek (D.C.), William Collins (Northern Virginia), and Dan Snyder/Robert Johnson (D.C.). Be still my beating heart!

The Chicago White Sox just announced that (New) Comiskey Park will be renamed "U.S. Cellular Field." The cell phone company will pay $68 million over the next 20 years in exchange for naming rights, and the proceeds will be used to upgrade the (rather dreary) ballpark for the second time since it was built in 1991. U.S. Cellular Field will be the site of the 2003 All Star Game on July 15.

Government officials from the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Portland met last week with MLB officials to assess public support for a relocated baseball franchise. Mayor Anthony Williams led the D.C. delegation and Attorney General Jerry Kilgore led the Virginia delegation. Both jurisdictions are currently short on cash, so some creative financial arrangements are likely, wherever the team ends up.

NOTE: This is a "post facto" blog post, taken from the pre-November 2004 archives.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 19 Oct 2011, 2: 38 PM

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