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Blog errata

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Partial list of blog errata


April 5, 2012 : The blog post date originally said "March 5, 2012," and was later corrected.


July 4, 2011: The list of stadiums that opened in midseason should include Comiskey Park, July 1, 1910.


June 9, 2010: Mixup on home cities of the NBA Golden State Warriors (Oakland) and the Sacramento Kings.

April 3, 2010: "Mike Morgan" should be "Nyjer Morgan"

May 11, 2010 The home run by Mickey Mantle on May 22, 1963 actually hit several feet below the roof in right field at Yankee Stadium, not mere inches, as was the case in the 1956 homer which he hit in the same general area.


November 9, 2009 : "President Obama is on an overseas trip and stopped in Berlin, where they are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall." should be "President Obama will soon begin an overseas trip to the APEC summit in Singapore. In Berlin, they are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall." (This correction was subsequently made with brackets and strikethroughs.)

Aug. 16, 2009: "the Nats snapped a four-game winning streak" should be "the Nats snapped a four-game losing streak"

June 15, 2009 : Incomplete list of oldest hockey arenas that remain in use by the NHL.

June 13, 2009: Wrong number of Stanley Cups won by the Detroit Red Wings (four).


June 29, 2008: Wrong score; "the Nationals turned a 3 - 2 loss to the Orioles into a 4 - 3 victory" should be "the Nationals turned a 2 - 1 loss to the Orioles into a 3 - 2 victory". (See

June 18, 2008: Broken link to Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association); the previous "jhtml" suffix is obsolete.

June 6, 2008: "Long-lost" blog post of Jan. 6, 2006 was posted at last. (Oversight on my part.)

April 4, 2008: "Andy Ashby" should be "Andy Jones"

May 3, 2008: "... Lynn Mitchell, who called on Fred Anderson to recuse himself from the Michael-Roller dispute ..." should be "... Lynn Mitchell, who cited "Yankee Phil" to suggest that Fred Anderson should recuse himself from the Michael-Roller dispute ..." (This correction was subsequently made with brackets and strikethroughs; see May 4, 2008 for an explanation.)


December 7, 2005: (Dead link): "" should be ""

: "" should be ""

: "" should be ""

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