August 4, 2011 [CLICK HERE to see proper format.][LINK / comment]
As I prepare to head west for a brief vacation, I thought I should at least fill in one of the many gaps on my Web site "to-do" list before I go. And so, here for the enjoyment of the general public, is a sampling of some of the newest nature photos that I have uploaded:
While Jacqueline and I were hiking in the Shenandoah National Park a couple months ago, I was lucky to get a very good closeup of an uncommon Trillium flower, shown below. (I also took one at Springdale Water Gardens during an Augusta Bird Club field trip on April 29, thanks to Tish Folsom.) The Flowers photo gallery also has nice closeups of a Mimosa flower on a tree on Greenville Avenue in Staunton and of Rhododendron flowers in Allegheny County (in June), as well.
I had very good luck taking pictures of Butterflies this summer. Besides the Comma (,) shown below, I also got great shots of Red-spotted purples, Tiger Swallowtails, Little Wood Satyr. I am indebted to Mark Gretch, who has started a butterfly observing group in the Staunton-Augusta County area, in which several Augusta Bird Club members and I have participated. In late June we did a butterfly count, the first ever in this area.
I only added one photo to the Mammals photo gallery, but it is an exceptionally good one:
I've also taken a few photos of birds and Staunton scenery in recent months, but those will have to wait until later...