© Andrew G. Clem. All rights reserved. Permission to use this and all pages on this Web site is conditioned upon full acceptance of Terms of use.
Click on one of the years below to display a menu of photos, and then click on the camera icons () to see each photo, one by one.
Click on the month titles to open the submenus, and click again to CLOSE each one.
Montage (Pond NW of Waynesboro, 1/7/18)
Trumpeter Swan (Pond NW of W-boro, 1/7/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 1/13/18 & 1/14/18)
American Robin (Bell's Lane, 1/14/18)
Short-eared Owl (Bell's Lane, 1/16/18)
American Kestrel: M (Shen. Val. Reg. Airport, 1/23/18)
Montage (Staunton, JMU Arb., Bridgewater, 1/24/18)
Cooper's Hawk (Staunton, 1/24/18)
White-breasted Nuthatch (JMU Arboretum, 1/24/18)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (JMU Arboretum, 1/24/18)
Montage (Madison Run, Bell's Lane, 1/27/18)
Montage (Waynesboro, 2/9/18)
Short-eared Owl (Bell's Lane, 2/14/18)
Tufted Titmouse (Waynesboro, 2/15/18)
Montage (Silver Lake, Dayton, 2/23/18)
(!!) Long-tailed Duck: F (Silver Lake, Dayton, 2/23/18)
Montage (Montgomery Hall Park, 2/24/18)
( !! ) Short-eared Owls (Bell's Lane, 2/26/18)
American Robin (Staunton, 2/28/18)
Northern Flicker: M (Staunton, 2/28/18)
( !! ) Turkey Vultures (Bell's Lane, 3/1/18)
Mallards (Staunton, 3/1/18)
Northern Flicker: M (Staunton, 3/3/18)
White-throated Sparrow (Staunton, 3/3/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 3/9/18)
European Starling (Staunton, 3/9/18)
Hairy Woodpecker: M (Staunton, 3/9/18)
Short-eared Owl (Bell's Lane, 3/9/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 3/18/18)
Northern Harriers: M, F (Bell's Lane, 3/18/18)
House Finch: M (Staunton, 3/18/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 3/19/18)
Eastern Meadowlark (Bell's Lane, 3/19/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 3/22/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: M (Staunton, 3/22/18)
Eastern Towhee: M (Staunton, 3/22/18)
American Kestrel: F (Bell's Lane, 3/22/18)
{ } Short-eared Owls (Bell's Lane, 3/22/18)
Montage (Swoope & Bell's Lane, 3/25/18)
Eastern Phoebe (Swoope, 3/25/18)
American Kestrel: M (Swoope, 3/25/18)
Field Sparrow (Swoope, 3/25/18)
[ !! ] Eastern Bluebird: M (Charlottesville, 3/26/18)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Charlottesville, 3/26/18)
Montage (Chimney Hollow & nearby, 3/31/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 4/2/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 4/5/18)
Blue-winged Teals: M, F (Bell's Lane, 4/5/18)
Wood Ducks: M, F (Bell's Lane, 4/5/18)
Eastern Towhee: M with Cardinal (Staunton, 4/7/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 4/10/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 4/12/18)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: M (Bell's Lane, 4/12/18)
Northern Flicker: M (Staunton, 4/12/18)
Montage (Waynesboro, 4/14/18)
Prairie Warbler: M (Ridgeview Park, 4/14/18)
Northern Cardinal: M (Ridgeview Park, 4/14/18)
Mallards: F, J (Ridgeview Park, 4/14/18)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Ridgeview Park, 4/14/18)
American Robin: M (W-boro Greenway, 4/14/18)
Northern Flicker: M (Coyner Spr. Park, 4/14/18)
Field Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 4/14/18)
Tree Swallow: M (Bell's Lane, 4/14/18)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Bell's Lane, 4/17/18)
Montage (McCormick's Mill & MHP, 4/18/18)
Blue-winged Teal: M (McCormick's Mill, 4/18/18)
Green Heron (McCormick's Mill, 4/18/18)
House Wren (Montgomery Hall Park, 4/18/18)
White-throated Sparrow (Staunton, 4/20/18)
Eastern Meadowlark (Bell's Lane, 4/21/18)
Montage (Ridgeview Park, 4/22/18)
Palm Warbler (Ridgeview Park, 4/22/18)
Cedar Waxwing (Ridgeview Park, 4/22/18)
Yellow-rumped Warbler: M (Ridgeview Park, 4/22/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: F (Staunton, 4/26/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 4/28/18)
Montage (Madison Run, 4/28/18)
Black-and-White Warbler: M (Madison Run, 4/28/18)
Blue-headed Vireo (Madison Run, 4/28/18)
Montage (Augusta Springs, 4/30/18)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Aug. Spr., 4/30/18)
Louisiana Waterthrush (Aug. Spr., 4/30/18)
Worm-eating Warbler (Aug. Spr., 4/30/18)
Yellow-rumped Warbler: M (Aug. Spr., 4/30/18)
Montage (Betsy Bell Hill, Bell's Lane, 5/1/18)
Tufted Titmice: A, J (Waynesboro, 2/15/18)
Greater Yellowlegs (Bell's Lane, 5/1/18)
Montage (Big Levels, Blue Ridge Parkway, 5/2/18)
Scarlet Tanager: M (Big Levels, 5/2/18)
American Redstart: M (Blue Ridge Parkway, 5/2/18)
Cerulean Warbler: M (Blue Ridge Parkway, 5/2/18)
Montage (Montgomery Hall Park, etc., 5/3/18)
House Wren (Montgomery Hall Park, 5/3/18)
() Great Crested Flycatcher (Montgomery Hall Park, 5/3/18)
Greater Yellowlegs, Solitary Sandpiper (Bell's Lane, 5/3/18)
Montages (Braley Pond, Elkhorn Lake, 5/5/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Betsy Bell Hill, 5/7/18)
() Yellow Warbler: M (Bell's Lane, 5/7/18)
Orchard Oriole: 1st yr. M (Bell's Lane, 5/7/18)
Green Heron (Bell's Lane, 5/7/18)
Red-tailed Hawk (Bell's Lane, 5/7/18)
{ !! } Scarlet Tanager: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/7/18)
() Tennessee Warbler (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/7/18)
Cape May Warbler: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/7/18)
Montage (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Magnolia Warbler: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Bay-breasted Warbler: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Black-throated Blue Warbler: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Black-throated Green Warbler: M (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak: F (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Wood Thrush (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/9/18)
Montage (Shenanadoah Wetlands Bank, 5/12/18)
Veery (Shenanadoah Wetlands Bank, 5/12/18)
Chimney Swift (Staunton, 5/12/18)
Mallard: M (Staunton, 5/13/18)
Montage (Staunton, 5/17/18)
Swainson's Thrush (Staunton, 5/17/18)
Northern Waterthrush (Staunton, 5/17/18)
Swainson's Thrush (Staunton, 5/19/18)
Montage (Gypsy Hill Park, etc., 5/20/18)
Swainson's Thrush (Staunton, 5/20/18)
American Redstart: 1st-yr. M (Staunton, 5/20/18)
Montage (Shenandoah Mountain Trail, 5/24/18)
Black-throated Green Warbler: M (Shen. Mtn. Trail, 5/24/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
Brown Thrasher (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
Baltimore Oriole: JM (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
Cedar Waxwing (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 5/28/18)
American Crow: J (Bell's Lane, 5/31/18)
Montage (Swoope, 6/2/18)
Willow Flycatcher (Swoope, 6/2/18)
American Goldfinch: F (Swoope, 6/2/18)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: F, nest (Swoope, 6/2/18)
Brown-headed Cowbird: J (!) (Staunton, 6/4 & 6/5/18)
Montages (Highland County, VA& Paddy Knob, WV 6/6/18)
Bobolink: M (Blue Grass, VA, 6/6/18)
Golden-winged Warbler: M (Highland County, 6/6/18)
Yellow Warbler: F, nest (Highland County, 6/6/18)
American Robin: F (New Hampden, VA, 6/6/18)
Eastern Phoebe: F, nest (New Hampden, VA, 6/6/18)
Mourning Warbler: M (Paddy Knob, WV, 6/6/18)
Black-throated Blue Warbler: M (Paddy Knob, WV, 6/6/18)
Least Flycatcher (Paddy Knob, WV, 6/6/18)
Montage (Humpback Rocks picnic area & BRP, 6/9/18)
Montage (Braley Pond & Chimney Hollow, 6/16/18)
Indigo Bunting: F (Braley Pond, 6/16/18)
Northern Parula: M (Braley Pond, 6/16/18)
Worm-eating Warbler (Braley Pond, 6/16/18)
Eastern Phoebes (Braley Pond) (J, Chimney Hollow, 6/16/18)
Montage (Chimney Hollow & Braley Pond, 6/23/18)
Ovenbird (Braley Pond, 6/23/18)
Chipping Sparrow: J (Braley Pond, 6/23/18)
Great Egret (Braley Pond, 6/23/18)
Montage (March-June, 2018)
Montage (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Northern Parula: M (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Black-and-White Warbler: J (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Ovenbird (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Scarlet Tanager: M (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Worm-eating Warbler (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Red-eyed Vireo (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Prairie Warbler: M (Dowell's Draft, 6/30/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 7/4/18)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow: J (Bell's Lane, 7/4/18)
American Goldfinch: M (Bell's Lane, 7/4/18)
Green Heron (Bell's Lane, 7/4/18)
Mallards: F & 9 J (Gypsy Hill Park, 7/4/18)
Wood Duck: J (Bell's Lane, 7/8/18)
Red-eyed Vireo (Madison Run, 7/8/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: J (Madison Run, 7/8/18)
Song Sparrow (Staunton, 7/10/18)
Montage (Chimney Hollow, Braley Pond, Dowell's Draft, 7/10/18)
Acadian Flycatcher (Chimney Hollow, 7/10/18)
Northern Parula: M (Dowell's Draft, 7/10/18)
Montage (Dowell's Draft & Bell's Lane, 7/14/18)
(!) Northern Parula: M (Dowell's Draft, 7/14/18)
Eastern Wood Pewee: J (Dowell's Draft, 7/14/18)
Eastern Kingbirds: A, J (Bell's Lane, 7/14/18)
Cedar Waxwing (Bell's Lane, 7/14/18)
Wood Thrush (Betsy Bell Hill, 7/20/18)
Montage (E. of Dooms & Blue Ridge Parkway, 7/21/18)
Broad-winged Hawk (E. of Dooms, 7/21/18)
Eastern Towhee: M (Blue Ridge Parkway, 7/21/18)
Hooded Warbler: M (Blue Ridge Parkway, 7/21/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 7/28/18)
American Goldfinches: M & F (Bell's Lane, 7/28/18)
Blue Grosbeak: M (Bell's Lane, 7/28/18)
Eastern Bluebird: M (Bell's Lane, 8/1/18)
Montage (near Brownsburg, 8/4/18)
Red-tailed Hawk (near Brownsburg, 8/4/18)
Grasshopper Sparrow (near Brownsburg, 8/4/18)
Montage (Shenandoah Mountain Trail, 8/5/18)
Eastern Wood Pewee (Shenandoah Mtn. Trail, 8/5/18)
Scarlet Tanager: J (Shenandoah Mtn. Trail, 8/5/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 8/15/18)
Song Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 8/15/18)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 8/15/18)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: J (Bell's Lane, 8/15/18)
Pied-billed Grebe (Bell's Lane, 8/15/18)
Osprey (Fishersville, 8/16/18)
Ospreys: juv. (Dahlgren bridge, 8/18/18)
Montage (Annapolis / Severn River, 8/19/18)
Barn Swallow: J (Annapolis, 8/19/18)
Mallard: F (Annapolis, 8/19/18)
Ospreys: juv., adult (Annapolis / Severn River, 8/19/18)
Great Black-backed Gull (Annapolis / Severn River, 8/19/18)
Laughing Gull (Annapolis / Severn River, 8/19/18)
Song Sparrow: J (Staunton, 8/20/18)
Broad-winged Hawk (Falls Hollow trail, 8/23/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 8/24/18)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: F (Bell's Lane, 8/24/18)
American Goldfinches: AM, J (Bell's Lane, 8/24/18)
Orchard Oriole: F (Bell's Lane, 8/24/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 8/28/18)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Bell's Lane, 8/28/18)
Eastern Phoebe: J (Bell's Lane, 8/28/18)
Warbling Vireo (Bell's Lane, 8/28/18)
Blue Grosbeak: M (Bell's Lane, 8/28/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 9/6/18)
House Wren: J (Bell's Lane, 9/6/18)
Green Heron: J (Bell's Lane, 9/6/18)
Great Blue Heron (Bell's Lane, 9/6/18)
Montage (Dowell's Draft, 9/8/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 9/12/18)
Gray Catbird: J ? (Staunton, 9/12/18)
Great Egret (Bell's Lane, 9/14/18)
Montage (Swoope, Bell's Lane, 9/15/18)
Cape May Warbler (Staunton, 9/17/18)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: JM (Staunton, 9/17/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 9/18/18)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 9/18/18)
Least Flycatcher (Staunton, 9/18/18)
Eastern Wood Pewee (Staunton, 9/18/18)
Montage (Dolly Sods, West Virginia, etc., 9/19/18)
Dark-eyed Junco (Dolly Sods, WV, 9/19/18)
Common Yellowthroat: M (Dolly Sods, WV 9/19/18)
( ! ) Black-capped Chickadee (E. of Dolly Sods, " )
Pine Warbler (E. of Dolly Sods, WV, 9/19/18)
Solitary Sandpiper & turtle (Bell's Lane, 9/26/18)
Montage (Staunton, 9/26/18)
Cape May Warbler: M (Staunton, 9/26/18)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Staunton, 9/26/18)
Black-throated Green Warbler: M (Staunton, 9/26/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 9/28/18)
Northern Cardinal: J (Staunton, 9/28/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 9/29/18)
Palm Warbler (Bell's Lane, 9/29/18)
Montage (Afton Mountain, 9/30/18)
Turkey Vulture (Afton Mountain, 9/30/18)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: JM (Staunton, 9/30/18)
Willow Flycatcher ? (Bell's Lane, 10/1/18)
Montage (MHP, Bell's Lane, 10/2/18)
Tufted Titmouse: J (Mont. Hall Park, 10/2/18)
Scarlet Tanager: F (Mont. Hall Park, 10/2/18)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Bell's Lane, 10/2/18)
Montage (Betsy Bell Hill, Bell's Lane, 10/3/18)
Green Heron: J (Bell's Lane, 10/3/18)
Wood Thrush (Betsy Bell Hill, 10/3/18)
Red-tailed Hawk, Tree Swallows (Leonard's Pond, 10/4/18)
Montage (Waynesboro, 10/5/18)
Swainsons Thrush (Waynesboro, 10/5/18)
Montage (from a canoe on the Maury River, 10/6/18)
Montage (Swoope, 10/7/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: F (Swoope, 10/7/18)
Vesper Sparrow (Swoope, 10/7/18)
Savannah Sparrow (Swoope, 10/7/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 10/9/18)
Cape May Warbler: F (Staunton, 10/9/18)
Great Blue Heron (Staunton, 10/9/18)
Montage (Mont. Hall Park, 10/10/18)
{} Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Mont. Hall Park, 10/10/18)
Gray Catbird (Mont. Hall Park, 10/10/18)
Merlin (Mont. Hall Park, 10/10/18)
Montages (Swoope, Augusta Springs, 10/13/18)
Grasshopper & Savannah Sparrows (Swoope, 10/13/18)
Cooper's Hawk: J (Swoope, 10/13/18)
Pine Warbler (Augusta Springs, 10/13/18)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Augusta Springs, 10/13/18)
Montages (McCormick's Mill, 10/17/18)
{} Magnolia Warbler ( ! ) (McCormick's Mill, 10/17/18)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (McCormick's Mill, 10/17/18)
Cape May Warbler (McCormick's Mill, 10/17/18)
Chipping Sparrow (McCormick's Mill, 10/17/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 10/20/18)
White-throated Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 10/20/18)
Greater Yellowlegs (Bell's Lane, 10/20/18)
Montage (Silver Lake & Bell's Lane, 10/22/18)
Mute Swan (Silver Lake, 10/22/18)
Ring-necked Ducks: F (Silver Lake, 10/22/18)
American Coot (Silver Lake, 10/22/18)
Mallard (North River, Bridgewater, 10/22/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 10/23/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 10/29/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 10/30/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 10/31/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 11/1/18)
Eastern Bluebird: F (Staunton, 11/1/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 11/2/18)
Cattle Egrets, cow (Bell's Lane, 11/2/18)
Wilson's Snipe (Bell's Lane, 11/2/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 11/3/18)
Northern Mockingbird (Staunton, 11/3/18)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet { ! } (Staunton, 11/3/18)
Dark-eyed Junco (Staunton, 11/3/18)
Vesper Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 11/3/18)
Montage: Cattle Egrets, cow (Bell's Lane, 11/3/18)
Cattle Egrets (Bell's Lane, 11/5/18)
White-crowned Sparrow: J (Bell's Lane, 11/5/18)
Wood Duck: M (Bell's Lane, 11/5/18)
Montage (McCormick's Farm, 11/7/18)
Great Blue Heron (McCormick's Farm, 11/7/18)
Gadwall: M (McCormick's Farm, 11/7/18)
Brown Creeper (McCormick's Farm, 11/7/18)
Montage (Stuarts Draft & Bell's Lane, 11/10/18)
Rufous Hummingbird: M (Stuarts Draft, 11/10/18)
Montage (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Fox Sparrow (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Cedar Waxwing (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Hermit Thrush (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Northern Cardinal: M (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Killdeer (Mill Place, 11/17/18)
Montage (Staunton & Bell's Lane, 11/18/18)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 11/19/18)
Pileated Woodpecker: F (Staunton, 11/20/18)
Montage (Cline River Rd. & Bell's Lane, 11/21/18)
Rusty Blackbird: M (Cline River Rd., 11/21/18)
Chickadee: Carolina? (Bell's Lane, 11/21/18)
Turkey Vultures & Black Vultures (Staunton, 11/28/18)
Northern Flicker: M (Staunton, 12/3/18)
Montage (Staunton, Bell's Lane, 12/5/18)
Gray Catbird (Staunton, 12/5/18)
Montage (Staunton, 12/6/18)
Montage (Mill Place, 12/8/18)
Canada Geese (Mill Place, 12/8/18)
Hermit Thrush (Mill Place, 12/8/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: M (Staunton, 12/10/18)
Montage in snow (Staunton, 12/11/18)
Mourning Dove in snow (Staunton, 12/11/18)
Montage -- CBC! (MHP, BBH, FCM, BL in Staunton, 12/15/18)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Staunton, 12/19/18)
Red-bellied Woodpecker: M (Staunton, 12/24/18)
American Crow (Staunton, 12/25/18)
Montage -- Christmas! (Mill Place, 12/25/18)
Blue Jay, Bluebird, Starling (Mill Place, 12/25/18)
Loggerhead Shrike (Bell's Lane, 12/27/18)
Montage (Union Springs, Rockingham Co., 12/29/18)