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Home page >> Photo Gallery main page >> Nature Photo Gallery >> Wild birds, year by year Last updated:
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Montage (Highland, Bath, & Augusta Counties, 1/16/16)
Common Raven (Highland Co., 1/16/16)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Vanderpool, Highland Co., 1/16/16)
Pine Siskin (Vanderpool, Highland Co., 1/16/16)
Hooded Merganser (M) (Bath Co., 1/16/16)
Ring-necked Ducks (Bath Co., 1/16/16)
Red-tailed Hawk (J) (near Lake Moomaw, 1/16/16)
Double-crested Cormorant (Lake Moomaw, 1/16/16)
Common Mergansers (M) (Lake Moomaw, 1/16/16)
Northern Harrier (Bell's Lane, 2/2/16)
Greater White-fronted Geese (Bell's Lane, 2/2/16)
Ross's Geese (Rt. 254, E of Staunton, 2/18/16)
Tufted Titmouse (Bell's Lane, 2/18/16)
Virginia Rail (Bell's Lane, 2/20/16)
Northern Mockingbird (Bell's Lane, 3/3/16)
Lesser Scaups (Silver Lake, 3/6/16)
Bald Eagle, nest (Swoope, 3/11/16)
Red-winged Blackbird (Swoope, 3/11/16)
Tufted Titmouse (VA / WV line, 3/12/16)
Pied-billed Grebe (Sweet Briar College, 3/21/16)
Montage (FCM, Bell's Lane, Sanger's Lane, 3/22/16)
Montage (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Pine Warbler (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Brown Creeper (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Blue-headed Vireo (Chimney Hollow, 3/26/16)
Montage (Leonard's Pond, 3/29/16)
Northern Shoveler, male (Leonard's Pond, 3/29/16)
Lesser Yellowlegs (Leonard's Pond, 3/29/16)
Montage (Swoope, 4/3/16; Staunton & Bell's Lane, 4/5/16)
N. Flickers (Staunton, 4/5/16)
Montage (Mont. Hall Park, Bell's Lane, 4/19/16)
Montage (Augusta Springs, 4/23/16)
Louisiana Waterthrush (Augusta Spr., 4/23/16)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Augusta Spr., 4/23/16)
Worm-eating Warbler (Augusta Spr., 4/23/16)
Swamp Sparrow (Augusta Spr., 4/23/16)
) Yellow-throated Vireo (Staunton, 4/24/16)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (M) (Staunton, 4/24/16)
Pine Siskin (Staunton, 4/24/16)
White-crowned Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 4/26/16)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 4/26/16)
Palm Warbler (Cook's Creek, Bridgewater, 4/30/16)
Cape May Warbler (M) (Cook's Creek, 4/30/16)
Yellow Warbler (M) (Cook's Creek, 4/30/16)
White-eyed Vireo (Bell's Lane, 5/2/16)
Bobolink, male (Bell's Lane, 5/3/16)
White-throated Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 5/3/16)
Brown Thrasher (Bell's Lane, 5/3/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, 5/3/16 & 5/4/16)
! Canada Warbler, male (Bell's Lane, 5/4/16)
Montage (Blue Ridge Pkwy 5/7/16 & Bell's Lane 5/8/16.)
Montage (Cook's Creek, Hillandale Park, etc. 5/11/16)
American Redstart, male (Cook's Creek, 5/11/16)
Spotted Sandpiper (Cook's Creek, 5/11/16)
Mallards: female, juveniles (Silver Lake, 5/11/16)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Hillandale Park, H-burg, 5/11/16)
Magnolia Warbler, male (Hillandale Park, 5/11/16)
Eastern Towhee, male (Hillandale Park, 5/11/16)
Eastern Wood Pewee (Sweet Briar College, 5/13/16)
Northern Parula, female (Ridgeview Park, 5/15/16)
Canada Geese, adults & young (Ridgeview Park, 5/15/16)
Chipping Sparrow (Staunton, 5/15/16)
Blackpoll Warbler, male (Gypsy Hill Park, 5/19/16)
Red-eyed Vireo (Mont. Hall Park, 5/19/16)
Eastern Wood Pewee (Mont. Hall Park, 5/19/16)
Montage (Reddish Knob, etc. 5/20/16)
Indigo Bunting, male (Briery Branch Res., 5/20/16)
Blackburnian Warbler, male (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Chestnut-sided Warbler, male (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
American Redstart, juv. male (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Red Crossbills, M, F, J (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Ruffed Grouse, female & juv. (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Black-throated Green Warbler, M (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Black-throated Blue Warbler, M (Reddish Knob, 5/20/16)
Carolina Wren (Staunton, 5/23/16)
Yellow Warbler, male (Bell's Lane, 5/24/16)
Montage: Warblers, etc. (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/25/16)
Blue-headed Vireo (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/25/16)
Hairy Woodpecker, male (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/25/16)
Cerulean Warbler, male (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/25/16)
Olive-sided Flycatcher (Shenandoah Mtn., 5/25/16)
Montage: Warblers (North Mtn., 5/27/16)
Chestnut-sided Warbler, male (North Mtn., 5/27/16)
Hooded Warbler, male (North Mtn., 5/27/16)
Ovenbird (North Mtn., 5/27/16)
Montage (Madison Run & Leonard's Pond, 5/30/16)
Sandhill Cranes (Fishersville, 6/2/16)
N. Rough-winged Swallow (Cole Run Res., 6/2/16)
Pine Warbler, male (Big Levels / Coal Rd., 6/2/16)
Belted Kingfisher, female (NE of Bell's Lane, 6/3/16)
Montage (Highland Co., 6/4/16)
Mourning Warbler, male (Sapling Ridge, 6/4/16)
Magnolia Warbler, male (Sapling Ridge, 6/4/16)
Song Sparrow, juv. (New Hampden, 6/4/16)
House Wren (New Hampden, 6/4/16)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, M (New Hampden, 6/4/16)
White-eyed Vireo (Henricus Park, 6/8/16)
Osprey (Henricus Park, 6/8/16)
Prothonotary Warbler, M (H. P., 6/8/16)
Acadian Flycatchers (Henricus Park, 6/8/16)
Montage (Blue Ridge Pkwy. / Humpback Rocks, 6/10/16)
Scarlet Tanager (Blue Ridge Pkwy., 6/10/16)
Red-eyed Vireo (Blue Ridge Pkwy., 6/10/16)
Cedar Waxwings (Blue Ridge Pkwy., 6/10/16)
Eastern Towhee, F (Humpback Rocks, 6/10/16)
Montage (Hite Hollow Rd., North Mtn., 6/11/16)
Scarlet Tanager ( " " , 6/11/16)
! Indigo Bunting, female ( " " , 6/11/16)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, male ( " " , 6/11/16)
Great Crested Flycatcher ( " " , 6/11/16)
Black & White Warbler, male ( " " , 6/11/16)
Eastern Wood Pewee, nest ( " " , 6/11/16)
Pine Warbler, male ( " " , 6/11/16)
Louisiana Waterthrush (Madison Run, 6/18/16)
Pine Warbler, male (Madison Run, 6/18//16)
Red-tailed Hawks (east of Verona, 6/19/16)
American Redstart, male (Jarman Gap, SNP, 6/20/16)
Montage (Shen. Nat. Park, 6/20/16 - 6/23/16)
Chestnut-sided Warbler, male (Shen. Nat. Park, 6/23/16)
Purple Martins: M, F, J (Stuarts Draft, 6/24/16)
Eastern Phoebe (Springdale Water Gardens, 6/25/16)
Warbling Vireo (McCormick's Mill, 6/25/16)
Muscovy Duck (Gypsy Hill Park, 6/25/16)
Mute Swans: adult, juv. (Gypsy Hill Park, 6/25/16)
Great Blue Heron (Kiddsville Rd., 6/27/16)
Scarlet Tanager, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 6/27/16)
Hairy Woodpecker, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 6/27/16)
Montage (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Red-winged Blackbird, male (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Common Yellowthroat, male (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Great Egret (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Great Blue Heron (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Osprey (Huntley Meadows, 6/30/16)
Montage: Warblers, etc. (App. Tr. Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Kentucky Warbler, M (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Hooded Warbler, male (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Scarlet Tanager, male (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Eastern Wood Pewee (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Blue-headed Vireo (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, female (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Cerulean Warbler, male (AT Hightop Mtn., 7/2/16)
Tree Swallows: female, juv. (Bell's Lane, 7/5/16)
Montage (Nazarene Church Rd. & Briery Branch Gap, 7/8/16)
Soras ~ Juv.:
(Nazarene Church Rd., 7/8/16)
(!) Ruffed Grouse (Briery Branch Gap, 7/8/16)
Chipping Sparrow (Briery Branch Gap, 7/8/16)
Great Egrets (Verona, 7/14/16)
American Crow (Bell's Lane, 7/20/16)
American Goldfinch, male (Bell's Lane, 7/21/16)
Green Heron & Belted Kingfisher (Bell's Lane, 7/21/16)
Green Herons, juv. (Bell's Lane, 7/21/16)
Red-eyed Vireo (Shen. Nat. Park, 7/26/16)
Amer. Goldfinch & Indigo Bunting (SNP, 7/26/16)
Indigo Buntings; M, F, J (Shen. Nat. Park, 7/26/16)
Barn Swallow, adult & juv. (Bell's Lane, 8/1/16)
Green Herons, adult & juv. (Bell's Lane, 8/5/16)
Indigo Bunting (male) (Shenandoah Mtn., 8/6/16)
Montage (Wildwood Park, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
American Robin, juv. (WWP, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
Northern Flicker, F (WWP, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (WWP, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
Great Blue Heron (!) (WWP, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
Spotted Sandpiper (WWP, Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
White Ibis, juv. (Bridgewater, 8/10/16)
House Finch, M (Bell's Lane, 8/10/16)
Montage (Shenandoah Nat. Park, 8/14/16)
Mississippi Kite, juv. (Staunton, 8/19/16)
Montage (Northumberland County, VA, 8/20/16)
Laughing Gull (Hughlet Point Nat. Area, 8/20/16)
Ospreys (Hughlet Point & Dameron Marsh, 8/20/16)
Bald Eagle ! (Dameron Marsh Nat. Area, 8/20/16)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, juv. male (Staunton, 8/23/16)
Montage (Willow Lake & McCormick's Farm, 8/27/16)
Eastern Kingbird (Willow Lake, 8/27/16)
Montage (Phil. 9/4; Conn. 9/5; Great Swamp NWR, NJ 9/6)
Common Yellowthroat, female (Philadelphia, 9/4/16)
Herring Gull: adult, juv. (near Darien, CT 9/5/16)
Montage: warblers, etc. (Blue Ridge Pkwy., Afton Mtn., 9/10/16)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, F (Afton Mtn., 9/10/16)
Broad-winged Hawk (Afton Mtn., 9/10/16)
Cape May Warbler (?) (Afton Mtn., 9/10/16)
Montage (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Solitary Sandpiper (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Green Heron, juv. (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Chestnut-sided Warbler ? (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Philadelphia Vireo (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Bald Eagle, juv. (McCormick's Farm, 9/14/16)
Great Blue Heron (Willow Lake, 9/14/16)
American Crow (Staunton, 9/18/16)
Northern Harrier (Swoope, 9/18/16)
Red-tailed Hawk (Swoope, 9/18/16)
Montage (Hillandale Park, etc., 9/20/16)
Red-tailed Hawk (Rockingham Co., 9/20/16)
White-eyed Vireo (Hillandale Park - Harrisonburg, 9/20/16)
Thrush: Swainson's? (Hillandale Park, 9/20/16)
Ovenbird (Hillandale Park, 9/20/16)
Cape May Warbler (Hillandale Park, 9/20/16)
American Redstart, female (Hillandale Park, 9/20/16)
Northern Parula (Hillandale Park, 9/20/16)
Least Sandpipers (Target Pond - Stuarts Draft, 9/20/16)
Eastern Phoebe (Bell's Lane, 9/22/16)
Montage (Augusta Springs & Swoope, 9/24/16)
Swainson's Thrush (Augusta Springs, 9/24/16)
Blackpoll Warbler (Augusta Springs, 9/24/16)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Augusta Springs, 9/24/16)
American Goldfinch, female (Augusta Springs, 9/24/16)
Red-tailed Hawk (Swoope, 9/24/16)
Blue Grosbeak, female (Swoope, 9/24/16)
Montage: Warblers, etc. (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Scarlet Tanager, female (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/24/16)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, female (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/24/16)
Black-throated Blue Warblers (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Nashville Warbler (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Tennessee Warbler (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Yellow Warbler, female (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Betsy Bell Hill, 9/27/16)
Pied-billed Grebe (Willow Lake, 10/2/16)
Montage (Shenandoah National Park, 10/3/16)
Blackpoll Warbler (Hawksbill Mtn., SNP, 10/3/16)
Pine Warbler (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/3/16)
Chipping Sparrow (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/3/16)
Blue-headed Vireo (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/3/16 - 10/4/16)
Montage (Shenandoah National Park, 10/4/16)
Dark-eyed Junco (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/4/16)
Downy Woodpecker, M (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/4/16)
American Pipit (Big Meadows, SNP, 10/4/16)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Pocosin Cabin, SNP, 10/4/16)
Scarlet Tanager, F (Hensley Hollow overlook, SNP, 10/4/16)
Gray-cheeked Thrush, prob. (Kemper Park, C-ville, 10/6/16)
Swainson's Thrush (Kemper Park, C-ville, 10/6/16)
Common Tern (Fishersville, 10/8/16)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Bell's Lane, 10/12/16)
American Golden Plovers (Rockingham Co., 10/13/16)
Montage (Verona & Staunton, 10/15/16)
Red-tailed Hawks, adult & juv. (Verona, 10/15/16)
American Crow (Staunton, 10/15/16)
Sharp-shinned Hawk, juv. (Staunton, 10/15/16)
Purple Finch, female (Staunton, 10/15/16)
Cape May Warbler (Staunton, 10/15/16)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male (Staunton, 10/16/16)
Montage (Staunton, Chimney Hollow, 10/18/16)
Montage (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Northern Mockingbird (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Cedar Waxwing, juv. (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Cuckoo: prob. Yellow-billed (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Double-crested Cormorant (Waynesboro, 10/21/16)
Palm Warbler (Bell's Lane, 10/22/16)
Fish Crow (Staunton, 10/23/16)
) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Staunton, 10/23/16)
! Sandhill Cranes (Fishersville, 10/26/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Staunton, 10/26/16)
Northern Cardinal, female (Bell's Lane, 10/26/16)
Dark-eyed Junco (Bell's Lane, 10/26/16)
White-throated Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 10/26/16)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Bell's Lane, 10/26/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Staunton, 10/29/16 & 11/01/16)
Hermit Thrush (Staunton, 11/01/16)
White-crowned Sparrow, juv. (Bell's Lane, 11/01/16)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Bell's Lane, 11/01/16)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, F (Bell's Lane, 11/01/16)
Montage (Augusta Springs, Swoope, Staunton, 11/4/16)
Wild Turkeys (Swoope, 11/4/16)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, F (Swoope, 11/4/16)
Black Vulture (Staunton, 11/4/16)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Staunton, 11/4/16)
! Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Staunton, 11/4/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane 11/13/16; Waynesboro, 11/15/16)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, M (Waynesboro, 11/15/16)
White-throated Sparrow (Waynesboro, 11/15/16)
House Finch, M (Waynesboro, 11/15/16)
Montage (McCormick's Mill & Willow Lake, 11/16/16)
Wilson's Snipe (McCormick's Mill, 11/16/16)
Mallard, male (McCormick's Mill, 11/16/16)
Eastern Meadowlark (McCormick's Mill, 11/16/16)
Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck (Willow Lake, 11/16/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Gypsy Hill Park, 11/18/16)
European Starling (Gypsy Hill Park, 11/18/16)
Mute Swan (Gypsy Hill Park, 11/18/16)
Mallard, male (Gypsy Hill Park, 11/18/16)
Montage (Chimney Hollow trail, 11/19/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Staunton, 11/25/16)
American Wigeon (Waynesboro, 12/1/16)
Canada Goose (Waynesboro, 12/1/16)
House Finch (Waynesboro, 12/1/16)
Brown Creeper (Bell's Lane, 12/4/16)
White-crowned Sparrows: adult, juv. (Bell's Lane, 12/4/16)
Northern Flicker: male (Staunton, 12/4/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Mont. Hall Park, 12/5/16 - 12/9/16)
Montage (Bell's Lane, Gypsy Hill Park, etc., 12/17/16)
Red-tailed Hawk (Bell's Lane, 12/17/16)
Mallard, F (Gypsy Hill Park, 12/17/16)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, M (Mont. Hall Park, 12/17/16)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, M (Gypsy Hill Park, 12/17/16)
Sharp-shinned Hawk, juv. (Staunton, 12/25/16)
Montage (New Hope, Waynesboro, 12/26/16)
Snow Bunting, Horned Lark (New Hope, 12/26/16)
Snow Bunting (New Hope, 12/26/16)
Red-shouldered Hawk (N. of Waynesboro, 12/26/16)
Horned Grebe (Waynesboro, 12/26/16)
Montage (New Hope, Waynesboro, 12/31/16)
American Kestrel:F (New Hope, Waynesboro, 12/31/16)
All locations are in Virginia unless otherwise stated. Abbreviations:
MHP = Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA
FCM = Frontier Culture Museum, Staunton, VA
SNP = Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
BRP = Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia
A.S. = Augusta Springs wetlands, Virginia
RMNP = Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
SARS = Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad, Staunton, VA
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