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October 8, 2010 [LINK / comment]

Finally here: Marlins Ballpark !

NEW: In response to multiple requests from fans, there is a brand-new page and diagram for Dolphin Stadium Marlins Ballpark, the future home of the Miami Marlins. (They will shed the "Florida" identification as soon as they move into their permanent home in 2012.) Like the stadium itself, the diagram is "under construction," meaning that substantial revisions are very likely. Once I've got a firm idea of the dimensions, etc., I'll add the retractable roof, with a "dynamic diagram," like with Minute Maid Park, etc. Enjoy!

San Jose update

Mike Zurawski reports that there is growing activity in San Jose, where hopes are high that the Oakland Athletics will relocate there in the next few years. Take a look at some of the artists' renderings of a future ballpark ("Cisco Field"?) at and The proposed design would feature a large brick wall in right field, rather like Boston's Green Monster. I'm not sure I like the multi-tiered balconies over that wall, however. It seems to me a ballpark in California ought to be as open as possible, showing off the mountain vistas in the distance.

Ground rules at The Trop

Mike also informs me that the ground rules at Tropicana Field have been changed for this year's playoffs. Basically, any ball that strikes either of the lower two catwalks in fair territory is a home run, and any ball that hits either of the upper catwalks is a dead ball. See Having lost their first two games there, the Rays will be lucky if they get another chance to play there this year!

Reds vs. Phillies

In Game 2 of the NLDS, the Cincinnati Reds had a 4-3 lead over the Philadelphia Phillies going into the seventh inning, but an error by right fielder Jay Bruce allowed two runs to score. The Phillies are currently ahead, 6-4. Later tonight the Braves will try to even the series against the Giants in San Francisco.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 08 Oct 2010, 9: 08 PM

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