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October 19, 2009 [LINK / comment]

Fog on Afton Mountain? frown(frown)

Whenever I hear on the morning TV weather reports that there is rain or fog on Afton Mountain on one of my commuting days, I start to get anxious. Rockfish Gap, where Interstate 64 and Route 250 cross the Blue Ridge just east of Waynesboro, is renowned for awful accidents involving multiple vehicles. For the past few days, it has been overcast, cold, and drizzly, discouraging travel just at the peak of fall foliage season when tourists flock to this area. Today, thankfully, we have bright skies once again, and I thought this photo I took at the start of a recent Augusta Bird Club field trip would be a good way to illustrate the nicer, scenic side of the dreaded words "Fog on Afton Mountain":

Afton Mountain fog

Afton Mountain fog, early in the morning on September 12. Click on this image to see a larger version.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 19 Oct 2009, 11: 55 AM

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