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April 24, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Tiger Stadium: The End Is Near

I recently noted that Tiger Stadium is liable to be demolished before long, and thanks to Bruce Orser, I've learned that "doomsday" may be fast approaching. Under a deal reached by Detroit's Economic Development Corporation, historic preservation activists must raise $369,000 by June 1, or else demolition will get underway at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Trumbull Street. They may try to save about a quarter of the old structure for the sake of posterity, integrated into a new commercial center. See Detroit Free Press. OK, let's go, sports fans: Preserve Tiger Stadium! Ironically, the Web site of the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy, which is supposed to raise the needed funds, is "under construction" even as demolition looms.

Nats finally get hits

After a promising start of the 2008 season, the three batters at the heart of the Nationals' lineup -- Ryan Zimmerman, Nick Johnson, and Austin Kearns -- have fallen into an awful slump, which is the main reason the team keeps losing. Thankfully, the team's pitching has been pretty solid, and some other guys are pulling more than their share of the load at the plate. Tonight Felipe Lopez got six RBIs, leading the Nats to a 10-5 win over the Mets. In the sixth inning, he crushed a homer deep into the right field seats, the first grand slam in Nationals Park history! ball Attendance for the two Mets games averaged over 30,000, which is a respectable figure, but you expect a lot more fans whenever a New York team plays.

The mail bag

More news courtesy of Mike Zurawski: St. Petersburg officials are dubious of the design of the Tampa Bay Rays' proposed stadium on the waterfront, which would cost $450 million -- pretty steep for a medium-sized city. The ballpark would feature a huge retractable "sail" to provide shade, complete with an enormous "mast." The roof itself looks a lot like the roof at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City. If the funding uncertainties can be resolved (a big if), the proposed ballpark could open as early as 2012. See Ballpark Watch. ball Also, the co-owner of the Oakland A's, Keith Wolff, now says that the new ballpark in Fremont, which is pretty much a done deal, it seems, may not open until 2012, or even later. Given that the baseball stadium is intended to be the centerpiece of a comprehensive development project, everything hinges on the state of the economy. See San Jose Mercury News

Finally, Rob Stevens wants to know when I'll get started on a Citi Field diagram / page. Next month, for sure! (I'll be swamped for the next couple weeks.)

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 24 Apr 2008, 11: 17 PM

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