February 16, 2008 [LINK / comment]
Nationals Park nears completion
I was in the D.C. area today, and the weather was perfect with crystal blue skies, so I stopped at Nationals Park to take some pictures. I expected most of the construction mess to be cleaned up by now, but I was wrong! Workers are still busy doing various kinds of exterior work, and heavy vehicles are chugging to and fro at a brisk pace. Time's a-wastin', fellas!!!

The southwest entry to Nationals Park, with the U.S. Capitol dome in the distance on the left. Click on the image to see the full-size version.
Contrary to what I wrote last week, the Nationals Park construction site Web cam has not been shut down, it was just temporarily out of service.
Mini-hiatus (baseball)
For various reasons, I haven't been able to keep up with stadium page updates lately, but I expect to resume doing so very soon. Spring training is underway, and Opening Day is fast approaching! There are also some big baseball news stories to comment on...
The mail bag
Marcus Gilbert pointed out something that I had suspected: The dimensions of the new Yankee Stadium are not as close to those of the original as has been claimed. More to the point, the right field fence is parallel to the third base line, whereas the fence angles outward in the current version. A very good overlay comparison of the New and the Old is shown at: baseball-fever.com. I have several other messages to respond to, and I appreciate everyone's patience.