December 3, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Happy (unspecified) Holidays!

Yes, folks, it's that special time of year once again -- the season when we bend over backwards to avoid offending anyone whose cultural heritage may differ from our own. In response to the growing number of merchants who are caving in to anti-Christmas pressure groups, a new campaign has been launched: "Merry Tossmas!" (As in, toss those "secular humanist" catalogs into the wastebasket.) Hat tip to Stacey Morris.

On a related note, the City of Staunton held its annual Christmas parade on Monday night (preventing me from parking downtown), and I heard of some complaints that it was being called the "Holiday Parade" for the first time this year. Is our own city surrendering to political correctness?? Well, the News Leader reported the event as the "Christmas parade," at least, so that's a relief.