November 26, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Blog challenge: Typealyze this!

I'm not big on personality tests that classify people into neat categories, while derogating what makes us unique individuals. It just strikes me as arbitrary and dehumanizing. But I went ahead and took the bait with the Web site, which deconstructs online text passages with some kind of algorithm. It says that my main blog page (which consists of highly varied content) qualifies me as "ISTP - The Mechanics ... independent and problem-solving type ... fond of adventure," which sounds plausible, I suppose. In contrast, the evaluation of my Politics blog page indicates that I'm "INTP - The Thinkers ... logical and analytical type ... might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive." Ouch! Kind of like Gary Hart or Newt Gingrich, I suppose -- not very well suited for elected office. smile Hat tip to Connie.