August 30, 2007 [LINK / comment]
Commissioner Bud Selig paid a friendly visit to Miami on Tuesday, and chatted with Mayor Manny Diaz and city manager Pete Hernandez about a new stadium for the Marlins. He expressed hope that the Marlins will get funding approved in the near future, but avoided any hint of heavy-handed pressure by saying "I don't have any deadlines." Well, he didn't have any deadlines when it came to relocating the Expos to Washington, either, but as far as the Marlins are concerned, time is running out.
Thanks to Kevin for bringing my new Stadium overlay comparison page to the attention of members of SABR, and to Jerome Crosson who pointed out to me that there was a concourse behind the grandstand on the first base side of the Polo Grounds. It should have been obvious, since the drawing by Jeff Suntala on the cover of the new edition of Green Cathedrals shows that clearly. In any case, another diagram correction is pending [completed! See the Polo Grounds page. How's that for speed?]
Also, thanks to loyal stadium page sponsor Mark London for pointing me to an article by Jim Caple on ESPN: "Lost Ballparks and Old Landmarks." It's got a great photo gallery.
The Nationals' western road trip ended up as a nightmare, as they got swept by the Rockies and then by the Dodgers. That means they are now tied with the Marlins for last place in the NL East. What a dismal end to a month that started out so promising...